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How would you react if "Bimbolands" went through a hijabi craze?

Xemocracy Arena
Candi Ashlee
Level 45
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14.10.2024 17:27:19

QXimbo wrote: (original post HERE)
I have some bad news… …none of the entries so far are hijabs. Q This Ximbo is in PRISON (until 2024-10-14 07:26:30) Hamza will be out of jail in a few hours. He will be the final judge…

Respectfully, no, he most certainly will not. He is free to host his own contest. Or give prizes to any entry he prefers. But the rules of the contest are clearly listed, and he is not, nor never will be,  the final judge of the winner of my contest.

14.10.2024 17:27:19
Level 63
Status: Minister of Foreign Affairs
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15.10.2024 03:40:15

In case these questions haven’t been answered already.:

Would that be hot? Or not?   Not

Would it be insensitive?  No

Would it be mocking to Arab and/or Islamic culture?  No

And a bonus question:
Is Mariah Carey an All American Girl?  You would have to ask her.
My guess is she would say no, and that she hates America…but I don’t know for sure.

15.10.2024 03:40:15
PXFC Anti-Fashion Theme Assassin.
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15.10.2024 03:46:48

Bimbo Pimp wrote: (original post HERE)
What lies have I supposedly told, Halo? I'm a Latina who speaks Spanish as my first language. I'm not sure how you figured out the shade of my skin compared to yours. O.o Meanwhile, I recall you sharing a YouTube link a few months back in a thread...
Which video? Cause y'know I have multiple bc I'm not afraid to show my face unlike some trolls with 5 fake accounts to upvote their own posts on.
What part of "1/4 of my bloodline is unknown" was too complicated for you to understand? Aren't you + your alt Jack Hammer always advocating for how intelligent you are? My dad was adopted by a woman of Jewish heritage, yet I don't talk like I'm a Jewish American Princess, do I? Wouldn't it make more sense for me to speak in Jewish slang than it would for me to speak in Spanish 24/7? I know minimal Spanish btw cause I grew up in Texas. I guarantee I know more than your trolling ButtLice ass self. Will you be claiming to be Black, Muslim, + Asian like them soon? Only time will tell...

15.10.2024 03:46:48
 ♡ ¡ like the forum posts ! ♡
Level 63
Status: Minister of Foreign Affairs
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15.10.2024 03:49:45

Slayyyocrates wrote: (original post HERE)
And a bonus question: Is Mariah Carey an All American Girl?  No
Mariah Carey's message to Donald Trump: GTFO
There you have it.  

15.10.2024 03:49:45
PXFC Anti-Fashion Theme Assassin.
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“The Truth is always found in the middle.”

XOD of Bimboland
Level 33
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15.10.2024 04:05:11
XOD of Bimboland

Now that the hijab contest is over, I wonder where this thread will wander off to…what new adventure?

I am shocked such a limited subject is on its 12th page.

one thing is certain…there will not be an hijab craze anytime soon…or ever.

15.10.2024 04:05:11

Level 21
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15.10.2024 04:30:49

You know whose outfits I love?


They are similar to the one talked about here,
and there seem to be lots of items in the store to dress up with.
im pretty sure the commander is British, but Brit’s are really just americans
with sexy accents…aren’t they?

anyway, I’m thinking of a Mrs Fred Waterford Craze…that could catch on easily.

15.10.2024 04:30:49
“Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain!”
**************The woman behind the curtain****************

Level 302
Status: Minister of Justice
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15.10.2024 04:53:33

I was just talking with Jack Hammer the other day
Slayto: “But Katie, Jack Hammer is y…”
Oh hush Slayto darling
“Ok Katie.”
and it came to me out of the blue … out of nowhere,
What “lol” at the end of a sentence means.
I was not thrilled.

i think Jack is loling his ass off right now
I know I am not loling…I am concerned
that anyone would think my Ximboland Spouse
would waste her time
with some secondary character
who talks to herself like some kind of…
Slayto: “Katie!”

15.10.2024 04:53:33
What’s your favorite charity?  Mine is Ximboland.
Miss BIMBO IS the Queen of Hearts.  Not the 2 of Clubs.
SweetasNuts IS the King of Diamonds.  Not the 2 of Spades.
Ximboland IS the Ace of Hearts.  Not the Joker.
The Beautiful Republic, Ximboland…
”…a secret world for Ximbos to be free, safe, beautiful and ridiculous.”
Antitheocra - The Home of Pink Crown Queen Miss Bimbo

Level 20
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Posts: 119
15.10.2024 04:59:16

Can I get in on this?  I have some inside info on Venus Planet Destroyer and XOD of Bimboland planning something for Oct 31 and it isn’t some trick or treat as Halobear in a niqab outing in the Town Square…

15.10.2024 04:59:16
The 'Q' stands for "'Q'onspiracies'"  Q
“Pay no attention to that bunny behind the curtain!”
                      The bunny behind the curtain
*********Q*******The Bunny Party********Q*********
Level 24
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Sex Appeal: 10179
Reputation: 3921
Posts: 135
15.10.2024 05:05:04

Hmmm…a Mr’s Fred Waterford Craxe.  You know, our two cultures are somewhat similar.  Look how we are both dressed.  I of course, lack a “commander”…but perhaps Katie is like a commander, to me.  She keeps telling me to be quiet!  LOL

15.10.2024 05:05:04

Bimbo Pimp
Level 66
Status: State Minister
Sex Appeal: 223567
Reputation: 59495
Posts: 2442
15.10.2024 07:50:48
Bimbo Pimp

Halo, you are delusional. Even if a portion of my ancestry were German, I would still be Latina. It goes far beyond the one-drop rule, which you seem to fixate on—it's quite gross. I don’t have any alternative accounts because I don’t need them, so stop harassing me and spreading lies. You are not Latina, and I would really appreciate it if you could stop pretending to be one; that’s incredibly racist. I'm not sure what you’re going on about, but I wouldn’t be surprised if both your parents are white, which appears to be an issue for you. It’s truly sad, but it has nothing to do with me. My family is diverse, from various countries, and we thrive in this beautiful melting pot that is America. :3 My knowledge is as vast as your jealousy and erratic behavior. I’d love it if you could stop bothering me. Either way, I'm going to ignore you now, my pimp hand is getting tired. 

15.10.2024 07:50:48
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What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

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What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Town Square.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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