Prime Ximbo:
Treasury (USD):

Ximboland Clock

Prosecuted bimbos/himbos:

guilty: 9 innocent: 8

guilty: 14 innocent: 3

guilty: 14 innocent: 3

Internet Republic of Bimboland against: emma1999, daddysprincess666, and lilfaggot

Ximboland Court
Level 64
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Sex Appeal: 204309
Reputation: 71395
Posts: 1076
12.07.2019 02:43:12

Hmmmm, given the sheer amount of options in the store, I think it's reasonable none of the outfits are that similar. 
However, here's some of their debate responses: very similar writing style, which may be potentially more of a clue?? 

I didn't pull all their responses since I was on my phone, but same stuff noted. 

12.07.2019 02:43:12
You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better. -S3E10 Bojack Horseman
Level 200
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Sex Appeal: 6641010
Reputation: 209013
Posts: 4825
12.07.2019 03:58:01

So like, I've gone over what I can: the 3 accounts' profiles, stats, badges, comments on their profiles, forum post history, debate statistics, debate answers and debate votin’. I feel a bit dirty after all that diggin’ :p Since I'm so super late to the discussion a lot will be repetition of what a lot of others have noticed already :( sorry 'bout that.  

Profiles, stats and badges: It seems to me like emma1999 is the main account which seems logical since it was made a long time before the other two. She also has the most badges and highest stats (although not by much), which indicates that's the account they wanna progress on. Not to mention her bio is the most detailed. None of this, however, is like a guarantee of there bein' a main and alt accounts. It could just be a matter of activity or not bein' bothered with stats or profiles (plenty of bimbos are here to just chat or dress up). Both Lil and Princess are legal aliens (would make sense for throwaway alts) while Emma Is citizen (again, makes super sense since if it’s her first and main account).

Comments: Princess commented on Lil's profile on May 31st at 23:28:36. She also commented on Emma’s profile at almost the same time (May 31st at 23:29:11). Meanwhile Lil commented on Emma’s profile almost a day earlier (May 31st at 0:02:45). There has been no other interaction between the 3 accounts in their comments. So… like no indication of any cheatin’ here. Princess may have just had a daily quest for comments. Sadly I couldn’t look into how they commented on other bimbos’ profiles to maybe like, discern similarities in their writin’ styles.

Forum posts: Most of all three accounts’ posts are in countdown or count up threads so there’s nothin’ to be gleamed from this. Emma’s supposedly between 19 and 20 years of age and Lil’s timezone is CET (his time was 02:53 when the server time was 00:53)

Debates: I looked at all of Lil’s and Princess’s debates as well as all of Emma’s debates from May onward (the ones before would totes ruin the statistics, but I don’t know exactly when the other 2 accounts were made so I took all of May). First of all, this was all done manually and in the case of both Lil and Princess 2 times to make sure I didn’t misscount. The numbers are still probs a bit off since like, it’s kinda hard to scroll up without gettin’ lost all the time :/

There was a super long pause between September 2018, when she had a debate with Mindy, and May 2019, when she had a debate with nothing4real. Emma has won 71/155 of all her debates since returnin’ in May. This comes to a 45,81 % win rate.

Emma’s first debate with Lil was on May 26th and she’s been debatin’ him relatively consistently for most of June, with a few 1-2 day breaks in-between. However, towards the end of June she seemingly stopped debatin’ him, havin’ waited 4 days to challenge him again after June 25th. She hasn’t debated him since that day. She did win a huuge percentage of all her debates with him (52/61 or 85,25 %). So, either he’s tryin’ to get his curious badge with poor or ”don’t vote for me” answers, in which case he’d probs be part of the curious quest thread? Is he? Oooor, his answers were made intentionally bad to make him an easy target. Notice how a large portion of all of Emma’s losses against Lil occurred in the last week of May alone. I was still super attentive in debates back then and I remember his opinions were weird but not “don’t vote for me” like they are now. Were they changed around the start of June? If so, that is somewhat incriminatin’ in my opinion.

Emma’s first debate vs Princess was on May 30th. And since then she’s been debatin’ her in a similar manner to Lil all the way to June 27th. Notice how she instigated and won/lost debates vs Princess on July 4th, when she was supposed to be absent/banned. What is the deal with that???? All in all her win rate vs Princess was pretty poor, bein’ only marginally better than vs everyone else (22/47 or 46,81 %). Which makes sense considerin’ the section on debate answers.

Also notice how on like all of the days none of the 3 accounts are involved in more than 6 (and even that's rare) debates with either of the other 2 accounts. They should theoretically have like 210 tokens between them each day. I wonder how many debates AND fights in total they had between themselves each day?

Link to picture of sheet since it's too big for the forum :D (it took some time to make, I’m gonna be totes honest with you)

Debate answers: Like Railophone I noticed a bit of a similarity between some of their answers. Namely they’re all super short, never capitalized at all, use wrong spellin’ (“dont”, “im”, etc.) and they often use some similar words. Like “everything else is shit” or “companies dont give a shit about the earth”, “save the earth, kill all humans” etc. But I’m not smart enough to figure out if it’s the same person typin’ all those. Also, I noticed Lil’s debate answers are either intentionally poor so as to provoke votin’ for the opponent (“Im a satanist” won’t get you a lotta points I think :D) or straight up “dont vote for me” (I think like 4 categories have that). Emma’s and Princess’ answers are super short but neither is tryin’ to get the other one to win, which is why they’re so “evenly matched”.

Debate votes: I noticed like hardly any votin’ was done by any of the 3 for either of the other 2. Emma only voted in 5 of the 24 (20,8 %) debates between Lil and Princess, havin’ voted 4 times in favour of Princess. Lil also only voted in 10 out of 47 (21,3 %) debates between Princess and Emma, votin’ 4 times for Emma and 6 times for Princess. Now it gets a lil’ bit interestin’ with Princess’s votes. She voted in 22 out of 61 (36 %) of all debates between Emma and Lil. And she voted for Emma 18 times, a muuch heavier bias. 10 out of the 18 votes for Emma were made in the last 10-ish debates too – likely after the first warnings and questions started showin’ up in her mailbox? All in all though they tend to vote pretty sparingly for each other in debates.

I am too tired to do fights as well, sorry :(

I think a lot of their behaviour (outside of fights since I haven't checked those) is at best circumstantial evidence for cheatin’ with multiple accounts. However, as Esuna stated this is not the first anti-cheatin’ BBQ so if Emma did decide to start cheatin’ in May, she may have done her homework beforehand and did her best to not be too obvious (meanin’ she also sent debates back and forth between the alts and didn't cheat too frequently). At the end of the day, she did get a lot of debate wins vs Lil and a decent number vs Princess.

My question though, since I really can’t do this manually: how many times was Emma the instigator of the debates against her suspected alts and how many were the debates started by the alts? I think this is super important, ‘cuz free challenges bein’ thrown her was also gives her progress towards the curious badge on top of the extra chances to win the debate. This also goes for the debates both Lil and Princess had with others – how many were started by the other bimbos? If it turns out that Emma spent her tokens challengin’ other bimbos while Lil and Princess spent them challengin’ each other and Emma (remember, they’re all civilians or legal aliens so they only get like 70 tokens per day!), then that to me is pretty damnin’ evidence against them. Please, could we get data on that? :)

Also the login data from the IP is pretty important. Like Railophone pointed out, it's preeetty unlikely they just happen to be loggin' in back to back to back for 2 months straight. I'm interested in learnin' where Emma logged in from though. 'Cuz like, she had to in order to start those debates vs Princess. If that login came from a secondary IP (such as school considerin' she's 19-20 years old), then maybe the other 2 also logged in from that same IP shortly before/after? If that were true then this is an open and shut case based on login information alone.

To me though, the best evidence against 'em we have is the fact they've continuously ignored all attempts to contact them, even after all the jail time. To me that screams of a guilty consciousness. And they all clearly know English so it can't be a language barrier thing. If they were siblings/roomies they could and should have done what Naveen and Katherine N did and notified someone 'bout it. They still can, so the fact they haven't makes me think they aren't multiple people livin' under the same roof.

12.07.2019 03:58:01
Such misplaced zeal... Their eyes remain closed to the true path. Not like you... my devoted Chosen...
Level 200
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 6641010
Reputation: 209013
Posts: 4825
12.07.2019 04:16:44

Oh I should add. My statistics differ from the ones Starbuck posted from Detective Drew since I only included debates after May for Emma as I felt they weren't really relevant. This, however, exposes and ever larger bias towards her suspected alt accounts. 
As you can see at the bottom of the sheet picture I posted - I'm super sorry, I should've made new tables under the win percentages :P - Emma has participated in 263 debates since the start of May, a whoppin' 108 (41 %) of which have been vs the other 2 accounts. meanwhile Lil has been in 310 debates, out of which 85 (27 %) have been vs the other 2 accounts. No doubt since his debate answers were intentionally poor or even "don't vote for me" he was an easy target for other bimbos to get free debate wins :) And finally Princess has participated in 124 debates, out of which 71 (57,2 %!!!!) have gone towards the other 2 accounts. 

And of course 

Also so so sorry for the gargantuan post. I wrote it in Word so it kinda got out of hand lol
And sorry for all the stuff I repeated. I tried my bestest to mention who did what first but like, my brain is shuttin' off right now from the manual debate analysis :D

Actually, upon thinkin' bout it.. what if durin' the pauses in debates they were havin' fights? I guess I'm not sleepin' after all ^^

12.07.2019 04:16:44
Such misplaced zeal... Their eyes remain closed to the true path. Not like you... my devoted Chosen...
Level 200
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 6641010
Reputation: 209013
Posts: 4825
12.07.2019 07:01:19

Omg I'm so stupid. I had the entire post typed up and then closed the tab when I like, wanted to click it...

Ugh.. So.. I checked their fights too, but only the ones between the 3 accounts. And then I also did a quick side-by-side of when fights and debates between 'em happened.

Another link (sorry, but the other page that converted it to an image said I ran out of daily conversions and this one does weird things to empty lines/columns.. the data is still all there though)

So... as you can see, Lil loses nearly every fight vs Emma and a large part of his fights vs Princess too. Since his outfits are much weaker in general than Emma's, there is no need for Princess to intercede. And since there aren't a lot of fights between Lil and Princess the statistics for Emma's votes are kinda weird :P She voted in 38,46 % of the fights between Lil&Princess, sure, but that amounts to 5 votes. 

Now on the other hand we have Princess with much better lookin' outfits. Better enough to endanger Emma's win rate significantly (only 53,57 %) and to cause somethin' interestin' in the votin' part of the spreadsheet. As you can see Lil is a lot more dilligent 'bout votin' in fights between Emma and Princess. He's voted in almost half of their fights and predominantly voted for Emma, the assumed main account. In fact, his vote % for Emma was 90 % before the last 6 fights happened on July 4th (when they were already contacted and warned multiple times). Doesn't look good to me :/

And then we have challenges. The main thing I wanna point out is that the 2 alts spent over 70 % of their challenges on Emma. And another thing, if you like, look at the far right table, you'll see that on quite a few of those days the total number of debates&fights happenin' between the 3 accounts is halfway or even closer to 21, the theoretical maximum if they don't buy tokens for diamonds. On June 6th for example they collectively sent out 19 challenges to one another alone. That's out of 21 in total (without buyin' tokens).

I hope I didn't make too many horrible mistakes. :s

12.07.2019 07:01:19
Such misplaced zeal... Their eyes remain closed to the true path. Not like you... my devoted Chosen...
Sandi Lut
Level 286
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Posts: 4192
12.07.2019 08:47:23
Sandi Lut

The stats that Starbuck has shown about the log in times show something very significant. They are NEVER online at the same time. If they were friends living together then you would think that sometimes they will play together and they would all 3 be online together. Or at least 2 of them. Now these are only the logins from July but it already shows a pattern. When Emma was absent for a while none of the other accounts logged on either. It doesn't prove their guilt but it does add up to all the other evidence.

12.07.2019 08:47:23
Happiness is inside yourself

Level 200
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Posts: 5272
12.07.2019 12:09:32

Since I'm a senator I apparently get a vote in this, so I thought I should air my opinion.

It has been stated in the rules that it's not allowed to have more than one account in Bimboland. With the arrival of the two new detectives in April, it was explained very clearly that players that are caught having more than one account could choose one to keep and delete the others when confronted by the Bimboland authorities, and thus be able to continue playing the game on their main account. This, in my opinion, is a generous offer.

Furthermore, it was also stated that players that share household/IP-address would be able to continue playing on each of their accounts, provided they explained the situation to the Bimboland authorities.

If neither of the three accounts has provided any explanation for the shared IP-address or answered a direct e-mail from the Bimboland authorities regarding this issue, they have all given up their right to keep playing and should all be deleted. Had one account answered, "sorry, we are siblings that share a computer" or deleted the other two accounts within a time limit, it would have been a different story and also a possible reason for trial? However, they have not. Therefore, in my opinion, give the accounts a three-day warning, and if they still don't respond or delete two of the accounts in question, delete all three accounts.

12.07.2019 12:09:32
      - Life is a pretty cheesy game, but at least it has good graphics -
Level 235
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12.07.2019 13:44:51

Alexstrasza, you did a great job with all these stats! You said that lilfaggot's time zone is CET, that is BL time +2hrs. In my previous post with time patterns based on given list I wrote they log in usually 10pm and 2am at the night and 10am and 2 pm during a day. Their time zone makes log ins for them between midnight and 4am in the night and 12pm and 4pm during the day. Now, it doesn't look like time when you will log in from dorm, school (besides it's holiday time) or some public place such internet centers that have many comps with shared IP. It also doesn't look like gathering with friends and playing together because we have here 4hrs of playing in the middle of the day time, and 4hrs or playing in the middle of the night. This time pattern is still weird to me and sort of unnatural because the difference between intervals of log ins is 12 hours. It almost looks like some weird schedule.

Also, from your stats, it looks like that the main purpose of having more accounts is making more tokens, and not specifically building the game stats and points. We assumed that Emma is the main account, and other two side accounts. But it's really hard to tell which one is main and which two are gang, except for lilfaggot which seems the most like side account.

I am not trying to defend them or him/her, but they are indeed low profile cheaters. We could see some top players being cheaters, this three are nothing compared to them. We could also see after every DQFC at least one player get RIP (probably cheater too) and many of them were even winners in DQFC, other contests and had good winning rate in fights. Ok, they never came to court because they deleted accounts before making it to the court, but they were actually bigger threat to the game rules than these three. Again, I am not trying to defend them, it's just that I would never noticed them if they weren't brought to the court as guilty for having same IP and not answering warning messages. Both Emma and princess don't really stand out among other bimbos. It's way easier to notice lilfaggot because there are not as many himbos.

After all, I guess there are much important things in the game that need fixing, instead of witch-hunt on low profile cheaters. For example, badges don't work for himbos. Hipster, funky and diva badge more specifically. Upload issues, lack of items designers, scr*wed categories in himbo shop are just some from the whole list.

Are we going to hear from the detectives? There are three of them, only one brought up some stats, but Alexstrasza did more indeed. Does it mean we have inactive detectives again?

If banning these accounts is going to solve something and improve the game, go ahead! Actually, I am sort of indifferent what will happen with these accounts. But don't make a big deal and like something is going on and improving with this court case, because it really doesn't.

12.07.2019 13:44:51

Welcome new bimbos & himbos ❣   

I identify as transparent, pronounces who/where
(don't take this seriously, because if you do it's your own fault)

Level 250
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12.07.2019 18:20:27


12.07.2019 18:20:27
Level 20
Status: Legal Alien
Sex Appeal: 5679
Reputation: 3215
Posts: 11
12.07.2019 20:12:50

im sorry, ill delete this account if i had to. i didnt see anywhere that you cant have 2 accounts. lilfaggot is my friend that only plays cuz i made him lol. thats why hes only at my house, he wont vote for me anymore and i wont vote for him, we only did it for badges and tasks so we could buy clothes, not to gain fame. please leave emma1999 alone ive had it for years. tell me if i should delete this account

12.07.2019 20:12:50
Level 200
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Posts: 4825
12.07.2019 20:21:04

I am super proud of you for comin' forward and admittin' your mistake hun ♥ I'm sure you and the detectives can come to a reasonable agreement ^^ I don't think anyone here wants to see you lose an account you've had for years!

12.07.2019 20:21:04
Such misplaced zeal... Their eyes remain closed to the true path. Not like you... my devoted Chosen...

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Forum.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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