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Secville Discussion Corner: AI vs. human power

Level 150
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01.06.2021 18:49:48

Recently, I heard information that Volvo is using a one-pedal system in their new cars. In practice, this means that the car brakes itself at the right moment, and the driver does not have to worry about anything. Personally, in supermarkets, I most often choose self-service checkouts, which are much faster. Hotels have been implementing check-in and check-out options through the application for some time. Therefore, this month I would like to ask you - how do you think, will the artificial intelligence replace the human? Undoubtedly, the professions of the future are those related to technology. Do you think that in the future there will also be room for employees of other sectors?

Blecky, thank you for helping me to find this month's idea :*

01.06.2021 18:49:48
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Rose Diamond Louboutin
Level 46
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01.06.2021 20:18:35
Rose Diamond Louboutin

Yes, but there is undoubtedly a bit of fear that goes along with it due to uncertainty of jobs that comes from automation. While there are some things that a computer can't recreate nearly as well as a human, namely art. Your brain knows what is and isn't organic. The sound of a real violin will always be different than a computer made sound of a violin, and with a professional, it will be a clear difference. What computers and technology lack are heart and soul that make the things we create so unique and loved. Tech/AI are fine for the sciences, to an extent. But creativity? Even the most well programed system can't create like a human, not yet anyway.

Of course this also steps into the issue of capitalism and what it means to have jobs removed from the workforce as they get automated. Ideally, that would mean we can live a life of leisure and be able to hone our skills elsewhere. But, under capitalism, this is not the case. We've seen the fears among fossil fuel workers (an industry i whole heartedly despise) as green energy starts to take hold.

basically capitalism sucks ass and will prevent progress even as computers/ai/tech are seen more in industries lmao

01.06.2021 20:18:35
secville citizens, check out the playlist thread in the forum!
Level 41
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02.06.2021 14:17:07

I’m not for or against AI technology.. 

If has helped those with disabilities and created new opportunities for scientific advancement. 
If we solely rely on AI, the future would look bleak for many occupations as many would lose their job to the machine. 

I hope we can find a happy medium. 

02.06.2021 14:17:07
Pls challenge me. 
Level 160
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02.06.2021 23:56:24

Yikes. This is a huge topic. I will just focus on cars with automatic brakes & such for now...

I think some computer/technology features in cars are a great safety feature. I remember a time when I stopped at a 4 way intersection. There was a pedestrian crossing. I don't know if I was distracted or something but my foot briefly came off the brake. My car rocked forward a little but I braked again without hitting the pedestrian. I say this because acar with automatic brakes would be a backup to help pedestrians stay safe in situations like that.

Over a year ago, my car was t-boned. I was almost through the intersection when someone hit my back tire. The driver said they didn't see me. Again, of their car had automatic brakes, it could have prevented the accident. 

Cars with blind spot detection also provide some safety. 

I am not sure about 100% self-driving cars. I believe there have been accidents & they aren't yet foolproof. However, I do think that they have the potential to be beneficial. For example, many aging adults give up their licenses at some point because they can't see well enough, fall asleep at the wheel, or otherwise realize it is unsafe for them to continue driving. Self-driving cars would allow elderly people to continue to run errands. They might also work well for individuals with driving anxiety and/or disabilities. 

02.06.2021 23:56:24
“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.” ~Stephen Fry
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Level 45
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04.06.2021 22:05:12

In my opinion, AI is a fascinating subject and likely will make our lives easier in the long run. However, as Rose Diamond Louboutin said, the real problem lies in its use and the social inequalities that already exist. AI could theoretically make the world a better place and eliminate most of the jobs that people are currently forced to do. However, the US government is unlikely to provide any means for people to survive if they're out of a job. They'll probably just blame poor people for 'not working hard enough' like they always do. The propaganda machine works well here.

Europe will probably incorporate AI into their systems better than in the US. Some countries there already have a universal basic income. Unfortunately I don't think most countries in the world will be implementing universal incomes for quite some time, so AI will likely leave the majority of the population destitute unless the voters/population demands income. 

04.06.2021 22:05:12
Level 13
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08.06.2021 07:01:35

I think we need to intervene at some point. I love Volvo, I really do. When I was younger both my parents had them, and my first car would've most likely been my dad's 8-year-old Volvo had I not gotten my bug instead. They're known for their safety which is why I wonder about us. AI may be intelligent, but the only people who can really understand people, are people. Robots cant anticipate us, they cant anticipate our driving either. The only way for driverless cars to work are for everyother car to drive itself. Sorry if this doersnt make any sense im one smirnoff ice deep

08.06.2021 07:01:35

Level 41
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08.06.2021 14:22:18

Ugh, I love this topic! I'm not an queen of tech but I love the theme and work with an AI company!

I'm sorry in advance if it gets too long, pfft.

I believe it is natural for human beings to fear the unknown. We will, without a shadow of a doubt, reach a point where the human race can no longer naturally evolve -- to be honest, I think this process is long over and the reason for this is our technological support. Let me explain: humans have the ability to create that most other animals don't, or rather, we have the ability to create with a clear purpose in mind. We create things to help us in our daily activities (like other primates too, who create their own mechanisms to open fruits with harder skins, for example), what makes us different is that we don't just take a stone to cut our food, we perfected it. We also perfected ourselves with technology. And I won't go far in saying that it's something super advanced like implanted microships. No, a simple crutch, a pair of glasses, these are all modifications that we can acquire to improve our quality of life as a person.

But we've reached a point where this advancement is no longer possible with accessories, we're at a stage where to evolve we really need to change, play God, if you like. That means we're in a static stage in human evolution, in my opinion. And, haha ​​the "natural" evolution of humanity is to adhere to Artificial Intelligence, what we forget is that we've been in it for a while too. Another thing we forget is that the timeline is not necessarily straight. It has several "s" towards the future, ups and downs. John McCarthy, who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” in 1956, complained that “as soon as it works, no one calls it AI anymore.” So because of this AI often sounds like a mythical future prediction more than a reality or even like a pop concept from the past that never came to fruition. We think about sci-fi movies, we think about Asimov and his robots rules. We don't think about our phones, wifi, our current cars...

There are many different types or forms of AI. There are three major AI caliber categories: ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence), is the you x computer in games, there’s AI that can beat the world chess champion in chess, but that’s the only thing it does. It specializes in one area; AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), it is as smart as a human across the board -- a machine that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can (we are not quite there yet); ASI (Artificial Superintelligence), it ranges from a computer that’s just a little smarter than a human to one that’s trillions of times smarter -- across the board. ASI is the reason the topic of AI is such a spicy meatball pfft and why the words “immortality” and “extinction” will both appear in discussions like these multiple times.

That being said (oof I'm sorry for the wall), now to the actual topic ehgiurrghe Im so sorry.

We are actually in the ANI era. Our AI still needs our data to "think" and learn. I believe that the cars are a big step and kinda concerning in a way, not because I think the break won't work or anything, but because there are some decisions that a machine that is basically binary in thinking cannot decide and the variations for it to apply are enourmous. For example: we are driving and on our left there is a old lady trying to cross and on our right there is a pregnant woman trying to cross. To which side would you direct your car if you are in a high velocity or about to crash? How would the AI decide that for you?

ANI needs our data, that is why we need to prove we are not robots (that way the AI learns what is and what is not a tree, for example), the data complex, but the machine answer is simply a 0 or a 1. The more data, merrier the result. Is the same process for the future lawyers, doctos and all. The machine will absorb all the data about all court cases and look for some pattern. Of course there is a debate about AI taking care of humans -- would that be the best solution, because it is imparcial? Or would be a bad idea, exactly because it is imparcial and lacking of emotional baggage? But that is for another discussion.

08.06.2021 14:22:18
                                 Let's like each other's posts and get more reputation points!
Level 45
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08.06.2021 21:03:58

AnnaMorphosis wrote:
Ugh, I love this topic! I'm not an queen of tech but I love the theme and work with an AI company!

I'm sorry in advance if it gets too long, pfft.

I believe it is natural for human beings to fear the unknown. We will, without a shadow of a doubt, reach a point where the human race can no longer naturally evolve -- to be honest, I think this process is long over and the reason for this is our technological support. Let me explain: humans have the ability to create that most other animals don't, or rather, we have the ability to create with a clear purpose in mind. We create things to help us in our daily activities (like other primates too, who create their own mechanisms to open fruits with harder skins, for example), what makes us different is that we don't just take a stone to cut our food, we perfected it. We also perfected ourselves with technology. And I won't go far in saying that it's something super advanced like implanted microships. No, a simple crutch, a pair of glasses, these are all modifications that we can acquire to improve our quality of life as a person.

But we've reached a point where this advancement is no longer possible with accessories, we're at a stage where to evolve we really need to change, play God, if you like. That means we're in a static stage in human evolution, in my opinion. And, haha ​​the "natural" evolution of humanity is to adhere to Artificial Intelligence, what we forget is that we've been in it for a while too. Another thing we forget is that the timeline is not necessarily straight. It has several "s" towards the future, ups and downs. John McCarthy, who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” in 1956, complained that “as soon as it works, no one calls it AI anymore.” So because of this AI often sounds like a mythical future prediction more than a reality or even like a pop concept from the past that never came to fruition. We think about sci-fi movies, we think about Asimov and his robots rules. We don't think about our phones, wifi, our current cars...

There are many different types or forms of AI. There are three major AI caliber categories: ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence), is the you x computer in games, there’s AI that can beat the world chess champion in chess, but that’s the only thing it does. It specializes in one area; AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), it is as smart as a human across the board -- a machine that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can (we are not quite there yet); ASI (Artificial Superintelligence), it ranges from a computer that’s just a little smarter than a human to one that’s trillions of times smarter -- across the board. ASI is the reason the topic of AI is such a spicy meatball pfft and why the words “immortality” and “extinction” will both appear in discussions like these multiple times.

That being said (oof I'm sorry for the wall), now to the actual topic ehgiurrghe Im so sorry.

We are actually in the ANI era. Our AI still needs our data to "think" and learn. I believe that the cars are a big step and kinda concerning in a way, not because I think the break won't work or anything, but because there are some decisions that a machine that is basically binary in thinking cannot decide and the variations for it to apply are enourmous. For example: we are driving and on our left there is a old lady trying to cross and on our right there is a pregnant woman trying to cross. To which side would you direct your car if you are in a high velocity or about to crash? How would the AI decide that for you?

ANI needs our data, that is why we need to prove we are not robots (that way the AI learns what is and what is not a tree, for example), the data complex, but the machine answer is simply a 0 or a 1. The more data, merrier the result. Is the same process for the future lawyers, doctos and all. The machine will absorb all the data about all court cases and look for some pattern. Of course there is a debate about AI taking care of humans -- would that be the best solution, because it is imparcial? Or would be a bad idea, exactly because it is imparcial and lacking of emotional baggage? But that is for another discussion.

AnnMorphsosis- I was trying to like your post and accidentally disliked it instead. I didn't want you to wonder why someone disliked it. Bimboland won't let me un-dislike it of course. Your post was very well-written. <3

08.06.2021 21:03:58
clover carmen
Level 77
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13.06.2021 20:25:42
clover carmen

the thing about the volvo is only the tip of the iceberg in case of machine vs human. there are cars that run using A.I computing systems. meaning it drives by auto-piloting and doesn't require a driver. and it stops, parks and drives a lot safer than a human behind the wheel. with this we estimate that we no longer need taxi drivers, limousine drivers and basically any need to learn or teach people to drive.

there are computer programs that generate an entire musical symphony without the help of actual musical instruments or musicians. there are also art programs that creates a piece of work instantly same as phone apps that creates high quality movies that are on par with hollywood. japan has created several programs that create games without people creating them or softwares like maya, adobe suite, zbrush...etc. the movies that are completely 3d generated, using actors as rotoscop, will no longer need actors to make movies. because of the A.I computer programing software that japan created. so by that we have eliminated basically anyone working in the media entertainment industry.

have you heard of "gene therapy"? it is the introduction of medically, lab modified genes into existing cells to prevent or cure a wide range of diseases. For example, suppose a brain tumor is forming by rapidly dividing cancer cells. The reason this tumor is forming is due to some defective or mutated gene. so this modified gene comes in and repairs these imperfections and cures the cell. they are also using the same technique to other extents like: modifying the embryo's sex and race. so if you want a baby girl with blond hair, dark skin and golden eyes for example, it's not impossible to create. and this technology is till in it's experimental stage. but with other technology rapidly growing, i'd say it'll take 5 years max until it becomes official but not public. so with this technology, it's only a matter of time before there is no need for doctors.

have you heard of "neuralink"? it's basically a technology which makes humans cyborg, or it's first step. it's a nano chip that is inserted inside a human brain that could fix physical diseases like reversing spinal cord injuries, curing brain diseases like Parkinson's, curing mental illness, and even granting digital immortality, so you don't have to memorize for an exam or even go to school or a university. you'd just suck up books or any knowledge like a sponge. so by that, we have basically eliminated schools, universities, libraries, teachers, professors scholars and basically anyone who works in any educational facilities.

i used to work as a cashier in walmart. i remember when i was working, there were 16 cashier cubicles. when i was sacked, i stayed a year and went back to the same place to shop. to my surprise, i have found 5 self checkout machines in the places of 5 cubicles were me and my colleagues used to work. so now, there are 5 self checkout machines and 11 cashier cubicles that are run by people.

The joint team, a researchers from Fermilab, AT&T, Caltech, Harvard University, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, have successfully teleported qubits in two systems: Caltech Quantum Network and Fermilab Quantum Network. What's amazing about it is that the quantum 'information' is 'sent' instantaneously! faster than light! because that is how two entangled particles communicate. The fact that it is destroyed during the entanglement-enabled teleportation ensures that there is never a duplicate. do you know they are working on transporting matter and it's only in it's experimental stages too? people who say incidents like the philadelphia experiment are hoaxes. but the thing about hoaxes is, it keeps things at bay and the status quo back to normal. when you keep saying something is a rumor/conspiracy/hoaxes for a long period of time, people will start to distance themselves from it and the truth will die out with ignoring it. i believe that anything is possible. there are still more than 70% of things on our planet that is unknown to our high tech. so transporting matter is not farfetched. it's just that some people don't want the public to have access to it, YET. and when that happens, then by that conclusion we have eliminating almost all transport mobiles known to man like airplanes, trains and cars and ships..etc.

whenever a technology is revealed/introduced/sold to us (the 90%, the public, the working class of any country), it originally has been around for more than that and was secretly held by only a few people of wealth and tech to serve their own agendas. for example: the introduction of cell-phones (or the wireless, mobile phones). before they were made public in the 70s, they were actually used in military decades before they were accessed by the public. it was made secret so other countries could not duplicate this technology. keep in mind that this happens to every single tech we have been introduced.

so how will our future look in a few decades or so? are over 60% of us gonna be jobless? are we still gonna look for jobs? will technology find a way to provide us with work? or will technology gonna serve us and all we will do is focus on a life filled with leisure and fun instead of work? will the big money bags corporations sit and create all these wonders for us to use without some payment or Financial compensation in return? will there be any use of money any more? i'd say there will be always a need for money, rich or poor. because greed drives all humans whether rich or poor. money will always be above human lives. so in order for them to earn billions in a second, they will either create side projects like creating wars in another country and selling weapons to them in billions to financially compensate for these techs. but that has been done a lot since the first world wars and people are becoming savy. so what other projects can they create to earn billions in a second? let's create a world wide pandemic/virus. that way, not only one country pays, but the whole world pays. and instead of a rich country with 50k population pays over 50 billion, the whole world (who are over 7 thousand billion) will pay for cures, masks, medical treatments for a man-made virus.

so with that in mind, does technology have the best interest in us humans? to be more precise, the people behind the scenes, do they really care about our welfare? 2 things will happen:

1) all of these things will happen. human labor will no longer be needed. people will either live for sole purpose of satisfying their pleasure or become slaves to A.I technology. when that happens, it will be the end of humanity. if you are religious like me, then you probably know that god will end the earth because people no longer serve their purpose which is to work and thrive. nothing bad stays forever.

2) or another thing will happen. we will not sit quietly and let technology take our livelihood. we will find other ways to survive and thrive. countries like india and egypt refuse to let A.I technology into their country. not because they hate technology, but becasue they know it will eliminate human effort which they value most. so the countries that will produce these techs will keep on manufacturing them for the countries who buys them. it's just that other countries will not buy them for the reasons i stated.

i apologies if my answer looks too long. but this is indeed a very interesting topic and it's not simple as it looks. so i wanted more people to know about what's going on so they'd take heed.

13.06.2021 20:25:42
" This life of mine is temporary. My real-life begins in heaven. "
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Level 52
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Sex Appeal: 111304
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Posts: 144
17.06.2021 00:55:19

I recently watched the movie Ex Machina (2014). A.I scares the crap out of me!

17.06.2021 00:55:19

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Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
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Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

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The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
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What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
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How is the treasury calculated?
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What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

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When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
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Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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