I really have a lot of New's I can be sharing too.[AS A PLAYER]
It was a very productive term with the owner. He sent me a very glowing personal report card. Much of the things I've been writing on behalf of the player's will eventually be seen in the future programming of Bimboland's regardless of, if it is moderated or not.
New staff is coming on-line too.... [behind the curtain's]... of course he tends to get that way after seeing positive result's.
Hey !!! we got a new Game to Play, and The Prime Bimbo Contests, generated the most entrant's than ever before. We did that as player's, and the Owner has been noticing the effort's we all have been making.I have set up some contingency plans, if Bimboland's does elect a Dead.Ineffective Prime Bimbo.
I have been pushing to take over one of the Admin, Account's and just renaming it, Sheriff.
This need has been impressed upon the Owner, very clearly by some of the 'fight's he's laughed at' on the forum.
'SnowFlakE'S\ acting like social justice warriors, IMPRESS HIM AS MUCH AS THEY DO ME. [ not one bit , just saying....... ]
We were still in negotiation, what the power's of the Prime Bimbo, ARE. What he expect's of them... Yes, I am the founding member of Bimboland's.
I set a VERY High Standard for him, and YOU.
Literally fighting for the Bimbo's and at risk of losing positive momentum, every 4 month's. It's tough doing it alone.
A few Senator's would be helpful.
I'm writing all of this only now, after most of you have been 'forced to vote', to even read this announcement. I wanted to see exactly what an 'un-advertised election would result in. The most fair election possible.
I'm not even sure I'm even one of the candidate's. I never asked to be. I only asked the owner to remove term limit's for the last election, Not this one.
I'm as curious as you are ..... To see if a Zombie Prime Bimbo can be fairly elected.
Best Prime Bimbo Practical Joke Ever??? I can't wait to see who's laughing. There is method to this Madness.....
It's The Republic of Bimboland's.
Do you even WANT a 'LIVE' administrator?
OK,.... Call this an election to decide the question once and for all.
God only know's how much I am trying too give you the chance to became a citizen, or 'click-bait'.
I will laugh, when the results are in..... No matter the direction Bimboland's chooses to take.
Both players and
owner risk getting kicked in the face, no matter who is ELECTED.
I'm not OWNED, I'm a FreeThinker who was invited to be your Administrator for a few year's and won a few elections in the process..
[A player who doesn't respect snowflakes in summer. or ANY TIME OF SEASON FOR THAT MATTER, too.]
This Plan was Inspired By
Mindy. Be sure to thank her for the RESULT. All Credit, where credit is Due.