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Poll: Would you light a crack pipe for an armless drug addict?

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Level 1
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21.07.2016 05:55:17

This is a serious poll and discussion. Think deeply on the matter before you make your choice. It could be a leper, accident victim, maybe a serious birth defect you've stumbled upon.They are most likely homeless and continually struggling through life. They are asking for a little compassion, a little help. What would you do?

21.07.2016 05:55:17
One can not feel when they have no soul.

Level 129
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21.07.2016 07:00:00

Wow,  I feel like I too was armless and unable to reply for a few stunned seconds

21.07.2016 07:00:00
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Level 129
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22.07.2016 05:26:36

I'm not going to let this question go un-noticed........
   While I personally wouldn't be able to 'Slowly kill ' someone,  I can see how someone else would help a friend with a suicide.
   Crack is not a solution,  but it is a very effective suicide drug even in those with a WHOLE LIFE TO LIVE.
                             FRIENDS WHO ASK YOU TO TRY IT ARE MURDERS..
  No,  I could never do it,  but I could very easily find someone to 'main-line' 'em.
      Yike's,   That is just as bad,  but I also hate the suffering I see.....  

   Drug addict's are not doing themselves or friend's any favors, begging for help with murder.
      No Arm's,  throw yourself in a pool, before you take crack......   It has the same result.
    Underwater with bill's and breathless as you DIE.    
   Who ever told you that drugs are fun is a total fool.
          So Thank your Doctor Today for your ADHD medication.   [meth head]
      Suicide has a politically correct way to do it.....
  Medicade, or Obamacare,  or......... insurance......
     Not sure which one will kill quicker,  but they are all the same.
 America's 'Deathcare' system as supported by every pimpin' entrepreneur on a street corner.
   The government has this problem well in hand.   
   Call it population control............
  No arm's =  No vote.= because your dead of a crack overdose.

    Do I need to turn in my 'politically correct membership card?
  People without arms live successful lives without 'crack' Too.
     I would even bet it is a better existence than being addicted to ANYTHING.
   Families still love Arm-less addict's.    You may not be family and wish them dead out of kindness.  
                                Start buying the drug for them and see how you feel about it?
   If you would rather take the dose.......   You would also help a friend..
   Losers need validation by peer's.  Even Dead One's they put into an early grave.

  From a Legal perspective: it is called "assessor to premeditated murder"  Idaho Statute code:
 [[[ Providing or enabling the traffic of illegal substances resulting in death.]]]  Sorry, I'm only knowledgeable in my local law's.
        Other State's may have the 'Crack-head defense' Idaho does NOT, and if your responsible for a drug overdose,  it is MURDER and treated as such.

  Enabling someone to commit a crime even if they are armless, is no excuse to kill them with your action's.
   Crack heads will beg ................. for another fix.   Yet it is the Chemical they want, and not health or your friendship.  A crack head will toss you under a train for a single needle or a nice smoky cloud in a glass pipe.  Arms not included or necessary to be an addict.

 Personally I saw this thread as a 'Right to die' sort of thread.
   No, I couldn't assist in a suicide.
     I also dare anyone to tell me that 'Crack is a method to re-grow arm's.
   If it could I may light a pipe for an armless rejuvenate.
   Just one Hit can cause Death.   Care to take the chance your drug dealer is a good chemist?
      If they were they wouldn't make date rape drug's too.......
     Would you tease a drunk woman with drug's to make her pass out?
   No useful hand's and a bra around her face.
   Use a funnel to pour more vodka in her face.  
   She had no useful arm's or leg's.
     Would you rape her because she was unable to use her arm's?
   You DOSED Her,  Should you now be responsible for her welfare after you drugged her?

   It is just stupid to me, to see all the double standards.
   Political correctness caused my extreme humor.
      Guess what,   I totally encourage drug addict's to self-destroy.
   The world is better off without such useless and unstable individuals.
 Garbage in = Garbage Out.
 Steven Halking can't use his entire body,  but he has a brilliant mind that doesn't need crack to survive.
   There is no excuse for failure in life, but the one you make for yourself.
  Trust me on this.  Lose once and your forever marked a loser, by yourself, if you are not Brave.
    I avoid men for this reason.  To simple and the smell really bad to me, and they are so predictable.
  I can ask for anything I want, and it will be given with 'expectations'.           
I would know this fact too, without someone lighting a crack pipe for me.
   I dance better sober; thank you very much for drug's that are keeping all dancers from meeting their full potential.
   The walking dead :
 Naked and addicted to drug's, for as long as their teeth don't fall out. Then cry to Obama......  
   I stunned myself with that last line.......... Babies asking Babies for Breast milk as Mothers are housed in an 'economic prison' by choosing a good 'Fu'ck and not a good man.   My best man would be armless.
                         Sniff my ass and he will know what I had for breakfast.  K-9
   Dont bother crying about druggie's.........   They know what they are doing, and had a choice to say no.    So don't beat me over the head telling me,  I should pay them too, with my earned education and dance skill.
      Would I be paid more as a student dancer.......   ?
   Unstable and emotional women will die at the hand's of doctor's.
   Prescribed dysfunction.  Leading two children who are uneducated, and put on the same drug as mommy for his 16th birthday party.

   At 24 she is total drug free as far as the law is concerned....
  I feel a rant common on,  but I'm in to good of a mood.
    It is not easy for me to step away from my keyboard.
  I'm so much in a catty mood.....

   So  You start.........   I want to know everything.
    I still have little idea about you    I get the sense that you are not wanting to tell stories about yourself.   So you talk about the 'MAYBE'S.
   OK fine......... This is my armless reply to a candle in the wind.  Get me 'high' on your life.
Crack me up.



22.07.2016 05:26:36
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Level 104
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22.07.2016 07:30:02

only if they shared

22.07.2016 07:30:02
Make your parents proud, your enemies jealous, and yourself happy.  The only thing that can prevent you is you! 

Hugz to my BL: know who you are.  Lil creepy, but thanks for the pedestal. 
Level 23
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22.07.2016 18:05:55

Sorry, I have been thinking a while, but I can't answer. I couldn't vote, sorry.

22.07.2016 18:05:55
Keep your enemies close....
Level 129
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23.07.2016 01:31:23

  You picked a very wicked topic here.   Empathy is both healing and destroying  How effective would a doctor be if they were overcome with the pain of the patient?  The tear's of crying parent's ?    In that case Empathy is controlled by the Doctor and pushed aside for the healing process to begin.
Empathy should never be confused with 'enabling' a person with a problem, to continue living with that problem.  Especially if it is an addiction.

  It's like giving the key's to a drunk driver to go on a 'beer run'.  " I'm really sorry you ran out of beer, go get some and I will be happy again..."
  Where was 'Empathy' in deciding to get a pretty girl drunk or risking the live's of every other innocent and sober driver?
          "Just give me what I want, NOW !!!  if you ever really cared about me."  said the spoiled rotten child.
  People learn at a very young age to use 'Empathy' to get what they want too.   It is the ultimate guilt trip.
    Every woman uses it against someone at least once in her life, if married.
              For Me it was a monthly thing, every 28 day's.  My husband was miserable.   I didn't feel very bad for him. I knew he would make thing's right in a few day's, and he showed compassion and love to me when I was a bit short tempered and otherwise best left alone...
                 That is Love,  but also Empathy in it's most beautiful form.  

23.07.2016 01:31:23
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Level 1
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Posts: 1227
23.07.2016 03:14:57

~bows to the ninja~
I'm out.

23.07.2016 03:14:57
One can not feel when they have no soul.

Level 19
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Posts: 458
23.07.2016 18:43:23

No - But I would talk with them and be kind in other ways. If they were armless, they would need other help.

23.07.2016 18:43:23
Level 1
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23.07.2016 21:53:28

i would. if i wanted to commit suicide i feel like people should respect my decision if i strongly feel it's the only way for me

23.07.2016 21:53:28
Level 1
Status: Citizen
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Reputation: 2360
Posts: 1227
24.07.2016 06:37:14

Wow! I'm surprised anyone posted in here after the mention of killing them and should be responsible for their welfare. I thought that was a ninja stab up the butt and down the throat.

I was in this situation a long time ago. It was an old man who was a leper. Both arms dropped off in between the elbows and shoulder. He was homeless. He wasn't suicidal at all. Actually just the opposite. For a homeless man with no arms and nothing to do all day he was quite happy and content with life. He was funny as hell. He was just bored and looking to get high, an addict I'm sure. I said no and was going to walk away until he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I won't hurt you. I can't. I have no arms."

He didn't have lots of needs either. He had no arms. He didn't need a house. He couldn't open the door to go in or lock it when he left, his words. He didn't need clothing. It was too difficult to change them and he couldn't carry them around all day and night. He didn't need a job. He nubbed that cup he was begging with and used his body like the backboard on a basketball net to make sure the coins went in the cup. A panhandling leper made far more money working the street corners then he would have receiving welfare. He gave up his welfare because the EBT card was to hard to swipe through the reader.

He just needed someone to light his pipe. To keep him safe while doing so and to talk to him while he did it. I heard the good. I heard a lot of bad things especially what people were doing to him, hating on him. I found him very interesting and highly intelligent. I often thought about him and wondered about others, like would more people help, hate or try to force their help on him when he didn't want it and wasn't ready for it. We all know you can't force help on an addict. It didn't occur to me until I posted this thread, he was an addict who couldn't light his own pipe. I wasn't the only one.   

24.07.2016 06:37:14
One can not feel when they have no soul.

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The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

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How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

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The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

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When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
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April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
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Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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