Policies ₊˚⊹
First and foremost, I must address the sitewide rules SweetAsNuts has enacted. I have no power over altering these rules as MoJ. I have reviewed the Twitter rules and policies and will list them here as they pertain to Ximboland.
Violent Content – As there is no way of flagging sensitive content on this site, visually depicting gore, sexual violence, and self-injury is not permitted. The act of threatening, inciting, glorifying, or expressing desire for violence is also not permitted.
Child Safety – There is no tolerance for child exploitation or abuse. There is also no room here for the normalization of crimes against children.
Abuse/Harassment - Sharing abusive content, engaging in targeted harassment, and inciting other people to do so are all not permitted.
Hateful Conduct – Attacking others based on race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease are all not permitted.
Perpetrators of Violent Attacks – We will remove the accounts and posts produced by the perpetrators of terrorist, violent extremist, or mass violent attacks.
Suicide – The promotion of or encouragement of suicide or self-harm is not permitted.
Adult Content – As there is no way of flagging sensitive content on this site, the distribution of nudity or sexual acts is not permitted. This also applies to AI-generated, photographic, or animated content such as cartoons, hentai, or anime.
Illegal or Certain Regulated Goods or Services - You may not use Ximboland for any unlawful purpose or in the furtherance of illegal activities (This primarily applies to transactions of illegal or regulated goods).
Private Information – You may not post other’s private information such as phone number or address. The threat to post such is also not allowed.
Non-Consensual Nudity – The sharing of intimate content of someone (XL user or not) without their consent is prohibited. As the sharing of intimate content is already prohibited (See Safety 7), this is simply a reassertion.
Account Compromise – You may not attempt to access the accounts of users not belonging to you (You may access the account of someone who has expressed authorization to do so).
Platform Manipulation and Spam – You may not share posts in a way such that it artificially amplifies or suppresses information or disrupts user experience (I believe that commenting on a person’s profile to advertise a contest or sale is permitted, however doing so in unrelated threads is not).
Civic Integrity – You cannot interfere in real life political processes using Ximboland.
Misleading and Deceptive Identities – You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations to mislead or deceive others (Obvious roleplay is permitted).
Synthetic and Manipulated Media – You may not share deceptively synthetic or manipulated media (such as photoshopped screenshots) that are likely to cause harm.
Copyright and Trademark – You may not infringe on others’ legally protected trademarks or copyrights (This primarily applies to shop items).
Now that’s out of the way, we have my personal policies as Minister of Justice! If anyone has questions or concerns regarding these, please feel free to reply to me (respectfully) and I will be more than willing to explain or adjust upon so. So, without further ado, Minister of Justice tibby’s sub-laws:
Personal Disputes – Arguments regarding two or more users which are not pertinent to the subject of a forum thread will be asked to move their conversation to Direct Messages or the Xemocracy Arena. I ask that in these personal disputes, if a further rule is broken (e.g. encouragement of suicide, threats of violence, or sensitive content) you reach out to me with photographic evidence. (I will not moderate the actions of players off platform, such as on Discord or Twitter and ask that you report behavior on such platforms according to their ToS)
Bad Faith Harassment – The following of a player across numerous threads to address a singular topic (e.g., Player A asks for Player B’s thoughts on a subject. B does not reply. A reposts the same question in various threads B is participating in) is not permitted. You may address the subject multiple times in the same thread (Not copy + pasting, as that is spam). Players replying to the replicated statements will not be taken as breaking this rule unless it is clear there is a group effort to harass an individual or group.
Criminal Outfits – (A controversial one, I know) The obvious usage of your character’s outfit to depict sexual or child crime/violence will not be permitted. This will be taken on a case-by-case basis as there are instances of ‘child violence’ that are not, in my opinion, fashionably criminal (e.g., zombie children, religious sacrifice, spooky outfits I do not believe to be punishable).
Account Automation – The usage of third-party applications to automate actions crucial to Ximbo progression (fights, debates, mini-games, and duels) will not be permitted.
Blocking – There have been various scuffles in the past regarding communication between parties where a block exists between two of them. If a block exists between two parties, any attempt to directly communicate with the other will not be permitted. The exception to this is in the case of ministers and fashion police, where communication is vital, regardless of personal disputes.
Enforcement Procedures ₊˚⊹
The powers given to me have been stated by SweetAsNuts and are as follows:
“Powers = The Justice Minister has the ability to post in the Ximboland court and call a Bimbo to trial. The Justice Minister can pin posts, create pop ups, post in Pink House office and private forum. They can delete posts and issue immediate jail terms for up to 7 days only.
In extreme cases they can call Ximbos to trial for 1 or 2- or 3-month jail terms running no longer than up to the next election (whichever is shortest). The senators must issue a guilty sentence.
The Justice Minister can forward all Ximbos recommended for perma ban to the Ximbo HQ
If the role gets too tricky you will be able to appoint volunteer fashion police to help you.”
Some rules are more serious than others; as such, infractions must be addressed differently.
For my personal by-laws:
The offending dispute in the thread will be deleted. I will make every effort to archive the deleted posts in case of escalation that needs to be addressed and potentially taken to court. I do not believe that repeat infractions need punishment as arguments form naturally and are bound to occur.
Posts after the original message will be deleted, you will be asked to move the matter to direct messages, and you will receive a temporary jailing. Repeat infractions will be recorded and temporary jailing will be given in order of the number of infractions (first offence gets 1 day, second gets 3 days, third and up 7 days).
You will be warned upon infraction and asked to adjust your outfit such that it abides by rules. In instances of user inactivity following the warning, I will not proceed with punishment until a player returns. If repeated, unapologetic behavior occurs, you may jailed for a minimum of 3 days. I do not believe such a crime is worthy of banning, and so I will be repeating this procedure as I see fit.
You will be warned upon first infraction, on further infractions I will recommend your account be banned.
You will be warned upon first infraction with a user, if behavior continues you will be jailed for a minimum of 3 days.
For site policies:
Safety – Your content will be deleted, and you will receive a 3-day temporary jailing. In extreme circumstances I may ask you to be reported to appropriate authorities and receive a ban.
Privacy – Your account will be recommended for a ban as all such activities are illegal.
Authenticity – Your content will be deleted, and you will receive a 3-day temporary jailing. (I trust shop workers not to upload content that breaks the Copyright and Trademark rule)
Stay beautiful,
tibby ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ