Would people like to vote on who should be EXILED?
No proof needed for banishment, just a vote of your PEER"S.............
Would this help fight the Cheater's in our community?
My opinion as a player= The court of PUBLIC opinion will WIN..............
When player's see selfishness actually effect them PERSONALLY: I think you may want to step on my side of the line that is protecting your rights as a member of Bimboland's now....... YOU MUST also say No to Cheater's and 'clan warfare'. Don't make it profitable to them.
Bimboland's is still a struggling community..... just trying to become a nation.
Wouldn't it be more wise to act as a community of one, in the interest's of fashion?
Cheating the only real competitive 'Sport' the Weekly Top Ten, disgusted me so much, I may just begin to Ban player's who don't stand up against those seeking to ruin EVERYONE in the community. Does the Cheaters have some Fuck-buddies????
Shall I Ban them just for Fun ?
Would they keep cheating for a friend, if they know I will ban every account associated with them?
Would anyone accepte a relationship request from a CHEATER, if they KNEW this, was GOING to happen to them?
[total banishment with the first vote for a Known cheater?]
LET'S just think about HONOR for a SECOND.......... [Write your opinion's in this thread if your a real HUMAN-being.]
What would happen if I treated EVERYONE in Bimboland's, to my standards of perfection?
I don't care about winning friend's..... or 'bimbo-dollars'.........
I only want people to start acting like a FUCKING COMMUNITY......
Your time's, of just living on an Island of SELF, is OVER.......
I'm only the Judge..... YOU are the population I work for....... If you DON'T take a stand against a cheating player, than I will accept your wishes.
You all know my point of view as the player 'Micah,' the silly 'jack-ass' sitting in judgement over a game I never intended to RULE..
. I have NO tolerance for LAZY GAMER's nor even the Owner of Bimboland's...... Even the owner of Bimbolands Hate's me for being ALWAYS RIGHT, Yet, he continually sends me REAL money to work for Bimboland's......
I was hired for the wisdom I posses, and nothing more.
Care to see how angry I am NOW?
Out of the Box thinking?
Care to watch me reset Bimboland's?
I have total permission to END all Account's with a single command.
Or would you like every player to be required to write a 50 word essay about why they want to be part of our community......
I'm beginning to think I may have to ask this assignment of EVERY new player, just to keep the TRASH OUT of our Nation of Bimboland's..
I'm just thinking at this point as the Prime Bimbo, but I'm personally, seriously 'pissed-off' at this point...........
Even the player's being CHEATED, are not SPEAKING up for themselves.......
So your Prime Bimbo is the only one Pissed- off enough to say something about it................
Call it a 'Spine-building 'exercise.
How many of you MADE at least a single 'Cheat Account'?
OMG............... Your not all so innocent, now are YOU.
[Lose 1000 reputation.]
Ethics....... It's just a Tee Shirt...... Muhahahaaaa;
with a dose of reality.
Bimbo's hate other Bimbo's because they are being Bimbo's....................... ???
Figure that out on your own........ I learned that lesson at age 7.
I also didn't become the Prime Bimbo with ANY Multi-account's........ This Honor was Purely Won by Voter's with Ethics and the knowledge I am working in the best interest's of the entire community.
What does a Cheater hope to actually earn? Your misery.
Are YOU ever going to do something about it?
Enough Ethical Players Keep me as the Prime Bimbo in Election's every 4 months...... and I would love to retire, if a Real woman has some Ethic's enough for me to vote for her..... Just saying, as Micha.....
The Prime Bimbo HLB, is on a WAR-path.......................
Cheating WILL no longer be FASHIONABLE. A poll question will be enough to ban Cheater's......... [ still working out the RULES of warfare, but no worries if you are a single honorable player...............]
Fancy 'Box work' requires a Bimbo........
Friend's of Cheater's are now target #2............. on my list.................. Sure you want to Cheat for Someone????????
It's suicide.......
No Warnings will be issued at this Point on.......
I have adopted a ZERO tolerance policy for Bimboland's. Suspected Cheater's will be given Jail time, and be required to write an essay to me personally to be allowed to recover an account that even voted ONCE for a suspected 'Top Ten' Cheater.
Be sure to thank Bimboland's terrorist's for this reaction by the government. You know WHO they ARE.
Ask the 'community activist', what the goal they had in mind to accomplish, by behaving like a criminal in the nation they want to be in.............
Seriously.... I want to hear those EXCUSES from Shitty people................ Oh that's right an entire Thread was opened by a Bimboland's criminal, and even New player's are laughing at the opening posters thread, advocating Cheat account's. Insane.....
Focus on hating me.... it's safe........ Write me 50 words,proving your a REAL Person..... and that is YOUR best Insurance policy for a Bimbo..