Forum rules:
Treat other members with respect. Insults, personal attacks, and discriminatory language against any group of people, either of a different race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views or anything else will NOT be tolerated. The Forum language is English. Posting in other languages is only allowed in appropriate threads. Do not spam. Any post considered as spam will be deleted. Profanity: Excessive profanity is not allowed. Adult content: Pornography (full nudity) is not allowed. Posts containing adult material, including Erotic Role-Playing (ERP) and graphic descriptions of sexual acts, will be deleted. Do not post in ALL CAPITALS since this is considered shouting and is not necessary. Refrain from posting images larger than 1600x1200. This is considerate to players with slow internet speed and prevents the site from experiencing latency problems. No posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted. Post only in the appropriate thread. Posts written in wrong threads will be moved to the right ones. Start a new thread only if no thread exists on the same topic. Duplicate threads/topics will be deleted. Use the search function to look for existing threads. Do not write a new post directly under your post and do not make multiple posts in a row. Instead, use the "Edit post" option. You are allowed to post a second time in a row after 24 hours elapse from your previous post.What happens if I break the rules?
Depending on the severity of the infraction, a different course of action may be taken, but the usual practice is as follows:
Minor offenses
A minor offense will be corrected with no further consequences than a notification.
If the minor offenses are repeated, a warning will be issued.
Examples of minor offenses: Posting in the wrong thread, making duplicate threads, and making multiple posts in a row in the same thread (within the 24-hour window).
Moderate and/or repeated minor offenses
Failure to heed a warning given for a minor offense will result in a forum ban of 1-3 days depending on the severity of the offense.
More serious offenses will result in an immediate forum ban of 1-3 days.
Examples of moderate offenses: Intense spamming, advertising websites without permission, posting copyrighted material, excessive profanity, and sex talk.
Major offenses
A major offense will result in an immediate forum ban of 3-5 days.
Examples of major offenses: Pornography, discriminatory language against any group of people (no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views), and personal attacks. You are NOT allowed to use slurs and insults against people that make them feel unsafe or threatened.
Reporting a post
If you feel a post is offensive or is otherwise in contradiction with the forum rules, please report it using the “Report post” function on the upper right side of the post.
If you have any questions regarding the rules, feel free to PM any Forum Guardian, the Prime Bimbo or a member of Team Bimbo.
Active Forum Guardians
Prime Bimbo
Team Bimbo