These following rules apply to forums and the site in general.
Do not undermine Bimboland's democracy, president or her government. Examples of undermining including but are not limited to:
Harassing, attacking, and insulting the Prime Bimbo, her staff, and Team President.
1. Treat everyone with respect, no matter who or what they are. Do not slander or spread lies about anyone. Insults, personal attacks, appropriation, discriminatory language or any kind of language that incites hatred or violence towards any single person or a group of people, or promotes hateful views or violence towards that group or person, or is otherwise deemed offensive by the staff will NOT be tolerated even if they are supposed to be a joke.
2. The Forum language is English. Posting in other languages is only allowed in appropriate threads.3. Do not spam. Any post or thread considered as spam will be deleted. Spam is defined as, but not limited to: multiple quoting, duplicate topics, or anything that doesn’t contribute to the thread/forum as a whole. When possible, make use of the “Edit Post” option”.
4. Excessive profanity is not allowed. The occasional swear word is permitted, but using swear words in every single sentence or even multiple times in a single sentence can be interpreted as aggressive.
5. Adult Content: Pornography (full nudity) is not allowed. Posts containing adult material (Such as images, gifs and videos of pornography, full nudity or genitalia) or detailed, vivid and graphic descriptions of sexual acts will be deleted. Discussions about adult topics are allowed so long as they remain vague, and do not delve too much into personal experiences and fantasies.
6. Roleplaying: Roleplaying is only allowed in the Bimboland Theater section of the forum. Erotic Roleplaying (ERP) is NOT allowed.
7. Do not post in ALL CAPITALS. This is considered shouting and is not necessary.
8. Refrain from posting images larger than 1600x1200. Doing so is inconsiderate to players with slow internet speed and causes the site to lag.
9. No posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.
10. Post only in the appropriate thread. Posts written in wrong threads will be moved to the right ones or deleted.
11. Start a new thread only if no thread exists on the same topic. Duplicate threads will be deleted. Use the search function to look for existing threads.
12. Do not post in threads that are inactive for over a year. The discussion on that topic has ended. Posts in such threads will be deleted and the thread will be closed.
13. Do not advertise Discord servers. Ximboland doesn't have an official server and advertising one is forbidden as we can't moderate it.
14. While we appreciate art, we don't allow advertising commissions. The game's purpose isn't to advertise businesses.
Reporting a post and user:
If you feel a post is offensive or breaks the forum rules, please report it using the “Report post” function on the upper right side of the post. If you feel that a user is breaking the site rules, use "Report user" button on their profiles.What happens if I break the rules?
Depending on the severity of the infraction, a different course of action may be taken, but the usual practice is as follows:
Minor Offenses:
Minor offenses will be corrected with a warningExamples of minor offenses: Posting in the wrong thread, making duplicate threads, making multiple posts in a row in the same thread, or reviving dread threads.Moderate Offenses:
More serious offenses will result in an immediate forum ban of 1-3 days.
Examples of moderate offenses: Intense spamming, advertising websites without permission, posting copyrighted material, excessive profanity, and sex talk.
Major Offenses:
A major offense will result in an immediate forum ban of 3-5 days or jail time.
Examples of major offenses: Pornography, discriminatory language or attacks against any person/group of people. You are NOT allowed to use slurs and insults against people.Repeating offenses:
Failure to heed a warning given for a minor offense will result in a forum ban of 1-3 days depending on the severity of the offense.Failure to follow the forum rules after 3 days forum ban will lead to 5 days forum ban.
If the player does not follow the forum rules after the 5 day forum ban, the punishment will change to jail time starting with 1 day. If the behavior continues, we move to 3, 7, and 30 days in jail until finally, a permaban of your account.Offenses outside the forum
The rules listed above apply outside forums too. Profiles, debate answers, signatures, comments and private messages need to follow these rules.Offenses outside the forum will be handled individually, normally starting with a warning, depending on the seriousness of offense.
If the offense is moderate or if there is no improvement and/or the offense happens again, the punishment will start with 1 day in jail, then followed up with 3 and 7 days in jail and eventually permaban.
If the offense is major the punishment may result in an immediate 7 days jail time up to a permaban depending on the severity of the major offense.
President Miss Bimbo and members of Team President are allowed to edit and delete posts, to give forum bans and other punishments based on their own judgement. Any kind of harassment towards the site's volunteers (Pink House members, Shop Workers, Designers) or Team President is not allowed and will be punished.
Punishments will not be discussed on the forum or via comments, or with anyone else beside the player in question. Any kind of discussion on this matter can take place in private.
Prime Bimbo
Fashion police
Team President: