14000+ new players joined Bimbolands during those 4 months. There is a corresponding increase in the many new players who have also joined the forum. actively. The Prime Bimbo Drag contests are doing very well with scores of active participants. The Weekly Top Ten has become very competitive, and players are actively seeking those top spot's every week. The forum I believe was also a success this quarter. It is much more orderly now, with the new rule's I enacted 4 months ago. Everyone has done very well with those guidelines in place. The New Bimboland arcade also opened with it's first game, with more still being worked on and soon to come. Bimbo Relationships with B$ and SA rewards have been very bonding for the bimbo's.
We do have a major problem in Bimboland's that is complicating the growth of Bimboland's. As of May, we could no longer use Pay Pal as Bimboland's banking system. You may have noticed that the treasury never increased during that month. The good news on that, is there is way's to earn B$ while playing the game itself. I have come up with a plan to mitigate the problem's with the bank, and allow more players to earn prizes of B$. My plan is to allow all top ten place winner's to earn B$ prizes. 1st place player wins 10,000, 2nd 9000, 3rd 8000 ect. I feel this is the best way to reward players who diligently come to Bimboland's to build a great Bimbo. The loss of Pay Pal will not effect Bimboland's in any way. The owner is currently working very hard to remedy this situation.
As part of my initial plan when first elected,( fix administration problem's, then game play problem's, Now...) This term, I'm dedicating to fixing the shops and bimbo clothes layering system. This I believe is the number 1 priority as this flaw causes many problems with items bought in the shop's. In turn upsetting the buyer of those clothing items. This must stop NOW.
A fashion game is only as good as the doll and the clothes that she can be dressed up in. I want us to be able to use all the clothing as they were meant to be worn. The same goes for the various hairstyles and tattoos too. They should be allowed to be removed, but at this time there is no way to do that. Fixing the Bimbo's is the most logical next step in building Bimboland's.
I will still be working closely on the Forum. I have some more idea's, that I have started with the June Prime Bimbo Drag contest. More interactive contest's, with active post's. I would like to encourage everyone to reply to everything you read. The only way to build an active forum is with everyone using the voice they have. Make new topics, to make new friend's with similar interest's, but remember to look for an existing topic first.
With the Pay Pal issue comes some other problem's, that don't really effect the citizens of Bimboland's yet. The entire system of election's as set up, is now impossible to do. I did not want to mention this till after the Prime Bimbo Election. to maintain the fairness of the voting process.
There is currently no way for a citizen to become a Senator to be eligible to be elected a State Minister. (election in 2 months) I'm currently in talks with the Owner about this situation, because it is a core principle of Bimboland's. I have some Idea's:
1: The most active citizen in a given State being awarded a free Senatorship every quarter.
2: Individual State contest's to elect a Senator. free of charge.
Something like this must be done till the Issues with a banking system can be fixed. The entire political system of Bimboland's need to be re-worked to deal with this crisis. The good news is, the game is still growing, and is still being built. It is secure.
I've placed this announcement in this section, because I would like to also answer any question's the active players may have about this announcement.
I am dealing with the New Players on a case by case basis, as their needs are different than the active players who are familiar with Bimboland's already.