Prime Ximbo:
Treasury (USD):

Ximboland Clock

Who spied on you?!

Miss Bimbo
I Am Flirt
Level 42
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 56647
Reputation: 20734
Posts: 89
13.03.2020 14:20:40
I Am Flirt

I like to see new ideas and some work to improve the site.
But to answer; no. I don't think about it out care

13.03.2020 14:20:40
I am not flirt.... I AM MAAAAAAAD

Level 55
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 132768
Reputation: 54596
Posts: 1019
13.03.2020 14:24:01

Personally I don't like the idea of this. 

Also if you 'search Google for this image' on a blurry face you can find out who they are. 

13.03.2020 14:24:01

Level 54
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 120146
Reputation: 46437
Posts: 1035
13.03.2020 14:38:53

In my opinion, it's unnecessary. But, thank you for the news.

13.03.2020 14:38:53
Level 45
Status: Minister of Defence
Sex Appeal: 72690
Reputation: 20670
Posts: 300
13.03.2020 14:54:40

Some of Bimbos are silly.
If you don't like it, just don't use it. But some ppl complain and use new features anyway.

Personaly - I DO LIKE IT, as other features they gave us :)

13.03.2020 14:54:40

Level 101
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 811698
Reputation: 84924
Posts: 1054
13.03.2020 15:00:45

This could be a fun feature, but doesn't change anything for me. I have absolutely no feelings about it whatsoever.
The one improvement that I want to see however is that games and reactions restart at midnight. Maybe it is insignificant and this isn't the place to talk about it, but that thing is really getting on my nerves.

13.03.2020 15:00:45
I'm not a monkey, but I love banana
Level 60
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 172209
Reputation: 32715
Posts: 70
13.03.2020 15:22:13

Tbh since visiting other peoples profiles is kind of the point of this site I don't see it as a big deal but it would be cool if we could turn off that feature lmoa

13.03.2020 15:22:13

Rose Hathaway
Level 44
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 65270
Reputation: 26922
Posts: 104
13.03.2020 15:24:39
Rose Hathaway

In my opinion, it was not neccessery.

13.03.2020 15:24:39

Level 64
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 204329
Reputation: 71878
Posts: 1076
13.03.2020 15:40:50

Lol good lord, out of all the good things you could have done for us, you chose to do something no one asked for or really wanted. This is literally no incentive to become a Senator. 

13.03.2020 15:40:50
You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better. -S3E10 Bojack Horseman
Sandi Lut
Level 287
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 28715497
Reputation: 288094
Posts: 4240
13.03.2020 15:41:41
Sandi Lut

It doesn't even work properly. It says my profile has been visited 1673 in total. But I have 2268 likes on my profile. So it has been visited at least 2268 times. Another feature that doesn't work. Good job and thanks :)

13.03.2020 15:41:41
Happiness is inside yourself

Vita Brevis
Level 120
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 1382255
Reputation: 171810
Posts: 4338
13.03.2020 16:13:32
Vita Brevis

Ewww. This new feature sounds really creepy, actually. I would prefer that broken features be prioritized before adding random new stuff like this.

How about fix these instead:

1) Fix the glitch that forces Prime Bimbos to run in elections even when they choose not to. This has happened during the last two elections.

2) Change "commit bimbo suicide" to "deactivate account." Many people have lost loved ones to suicide and many struggle with suicidal thoughts. This inappropriate name for deactivating one's account not only triggers painful emotions but it's also confusing to people who are trying to figure out how to deactivate their account. 

3) Put a warning label on Mr. Chops boob jobs or remove this feature from the site until it functions properly. Players who want a boob job don't understand that they will lose access to the clothes in their closet and that they can't buy new clothes to fit the big boobs due to a glitch in the shop. They pay 500 diamonds to have the procedure then have to spend 500 diamonds again to undo the procedure. What a scam. Also, why is this procedure in the vanity section when you don't get vanity? 

4) Fix the DQFC voting system. Players only have a 25%-50% chance of having voters see their outfit. We should be able to see all outfits.

5) Although you stated that DQFC will now be called PBFC (an excellent change!) DQFC is still all over the site - on the badges and the contest link is still labeled DQFC. Those all still needs to be changed to PBFC.

6) Fix the ongoing site lag.

7) When the site will be down for maintenance let players know in advance so we can plan accordingly. So many people have had the clock run out on their artifacts because the site was down without warning. When the site crashes for reasons unexpected to Team Bimbo, provide an explanation to players after the fact as to why the site was down, and tell us what will be done to prevent this in the future. This happens way too often. The site crashed 4 times in February. On two of those occasions the site was down for over 10 hours. The site crashed again this month and was down for over 20 hours. Team Bimbo has not acknowledged my request to have my lost artifacts replaced. Has anyone else had lost artifacts replaced?

8) Consult with active and long time players, or at least the Prime Bimbo, before rolling out changes considering your poor track record and lack of understanding of what players actually want and care about.

13.03.2020 16:13:32

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Town Square.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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