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Ximboland democracy failures and how to address it

Miss Bimbo
Level 111
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Sex Appeal: 1084346
Reputation: 59918
Posts: 1983
06.12.2023 15:18:28

I feel like if you're going to come and announce a bunch of changes you didn't initially discuss with Blecky and the rest of the Pink House, the least you could do is be transparent in your discussions about them going forward. It puts Blecky and everyone else working their arse off running the site in a difficult position.

06.12.2023 15:18:28
Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
06.12.2023 15:21:08
Miss Bimbo

KirstyD8 wrote:
So we may have a solution for elections, go back to the old system and any senators can run. All we can do is see if it works this way instead only being the present SMs being able to run.
Yes personally I would like to go back to this set up and hopefully this will encourage more people to stand. 

"We are in the middle of Blecky term. Any rule changes are up the current government and not for us to wade in. My suggestions are merely what I will do when I am in power"
^^ This was not what you implied. It came across as new rules was needed now and all of us was left in the dark about when and what these new rules were.
New rules are needed now and if Blecky wants to incorporate  them now then great. 

Unbanning of players. I don't care if HLB get unbanned, i myself was surprised when it happened.  
In your 1st forum thread:
" Being as we are now an adult site then the content and rules have been relaxed from what they were when many people were banned. Therefore I am enacting a President's amnesty for banned Ximbos whom were banned under rules that were in place prior to our change of direction"
This came across as you was going to start unbanning players that have harmed the site such as cowboys gang and as you can see how you mentioned the rules.
As I see it I have 2 ways of getting things done around here - 
1) Exact emergency Presidential powers - only in a crisis
2) Become Prime Bimbo myself and make changes

"As long as not insulting? The freedom to insult others is an important freedom to defend."  
 So its okay to say horrible things if its freedom of speach? No, freedom of speach doesn't mean you can be a straight up arsehole to others or insult them and that is not okay. I'll break it down a little so you can understand by what i mean, for example using a rasict word/comment as an insult or humilate someone. etc.
yes but there is a huge difference between banning someone for being an asshole and actually kicking them off the site/killing their Bimbo. HLB should have been thrown in jail I agree. But kick her off the site or effectively kill her Bimbo? No chance - far too harsh and draconian and an example of the left eating itself ie protracting the feelings of one minority leading you to effectively sentence to death someone whom is part of our community. 

" Yes it is. All adults on thsi site can afford the £20 or so its costs to be PB"
 Is that only for senatorship? What about all the money they speand on prizes. I think this is something you need to talk to PB and SMs about because they would highly disagree with you.
Can someone tell me what she is talking about here please because I don't understand 

"Thats a cop out. Are they perfect? No of course not - so lets challenge them to do better"
That statement is a cop out. Want more people intersted make it more enticing for the work load they do.
Yours is passing the buck and passing responsibility to me.
How about the PB take responsibility for their own job and own role make their own work more enticing without outside stimulus?
What was the expression?  - ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?
Yours is the typical leftist/socialist view ie someone make my job netter please and  then i will do it as opposed to my view that the PB is empowered and free to do whatever they wish and so should cherish that freedom and responsibility.

06.12.2023 15:21:08

Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
06.12.2023 15:23:33
Miss Bimbo

KirstyD8 wrote:
1) Dont ban people unless they present a clearly a physical real life danger
So people shouldn't be banned for hacking or trying to get rid of this site? Because people have tried.
Hacking is the equivalent of violence so yes they should be banned

2) Dont over moderate and dont close threads - let them roll and let argument take its course. If someone's feelings are hurt - well thats part of life. We are adults here and not children after all.
Oh, look this was allowed to go on i wonder why? Oh, because people in this one acted like adults and wasn't insulting people and not acting like children. -

Good work 

3) Encourage others to debate subjects of all manner even if there are opinions that you disagree with from across the political divide
Check out link above. Plus this is a dress up site people want to come on here and do that and forget about the real world. Not everyone wants to be in debates all the time or at alll because you know, dress up site.

06.12.2023 15:23:33

Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
06.12.2023 15:27:33
Miss Bimbo

CrystalWitch wrote:
Miss Bimbo wrote:
If no one stands against the incumbent prime ximbo then I will automatically be installed as Prime Ximbo for 1 term.
So I will be president and Prime ximbo for 1 term and until there are at least 2 proper healthy candidates vying for power.

Secondly I am going to foster a more left-right political axis in Ximboland by installing myself as Prime Ximbo every 3rd term until such a time when democracy is thriving.
Miss bimbo, I'm going to repeat my suggestion that you participate in the election. Run for office instead of just installing yourself as Prime Ximbo. Be the second proper healthy candidate that you are looking for.

If you install yourself into power, that's a dictatorship.

I'm a new player. I'm considering the option of paying money to become a senator. I will not pay to be part of a dictatorship.
Your idea of me running for power is a good one with one major flaw - there is no chance of me winning. I am a right leaning straight male amongst a predominantly left leaning female and gay community. The chances of me winning are slim to zero.
That said I would defo do a good job.

06.12.2023 15:27:33

Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
06.12.2023 15:40:19
Miss Bimbo

bxdcherri wrote:
As State Minister of Reasonopia, I am proud of my job. I'm proud of the effort I put in to making my state (and others) enjoy the site. I'm proud of the other State Ministers doing their part for their states as well. I'm proud of PB and the Devs for implementing so many good updates into the game during Bleckys term.
Thank you for your hard work and kind words

Miss Bimbo, you've clearly demonstrated that the site needs to be more political, more like an IRL democracy. I see no reason why the userbase should oppose that idea. I believe it's how the idea is being presented. A working democracy NEEDS two sides for it to be classed as a democracy right? If everyone is on the same side, then technically it's a dictatorship. So, how can we combat this?

Firstly, I believe users are more interested in other aspects of the game, which is taking their attention away from the main point of XL, which is to be an Internet Republic. Secondly, you mentioned in your other forum post that we could do with some more revenue coming into the site, which I agree with. Instead of throwing points at one another an ultimately ignoring each other, lets try to compromise.

Miss Bimbo, you want users to spend more money on the site, so give us something more to pay for. I don't think any of us like the idea of a subscription like onlyfans on the site. Quite frankly, non of us have anything interesting to put on the site that would warrant a pay wall, and non of us are interested in paying to see other peoples posts either. I truly feel like this is a waste of the developers time. I think a better way to get more paying members is to have more benefits to being a senator. Here are some of the suggestions compiled, with my own input as well.
I agree - we desperately need to stimulate the economy. Stimulating teh economy is a win win for everyone - more money spent means more money going into the treasury which means more money for PB and then hopefully that money will trickle down in the form of the PB being able to pay her government and civil service. At the moment the incumbent PBs are not paying their government or civil service.
Ideas that I see working to stimulate  the economy involve creating creators. All the best sites reward their users somehow for creating and that creates a win win situation ie the site wins and the users win. Twitter and onlyfans creators make money and so i cant see how we can ever grow unless we try an allow Ximbos to create and make money. In turn that will generate more money for the Prime Bimbo and their government. 

1) A Player home you can decorate. This can be a SENATOR ONLY part of the site. You want a pretty house? You have to pay for it. Seems a bit scummy, but that's business. I also know plenty of users who would be interested in paying for this feature. The new live chat feature can also be implemented here, where you can invite people over and then chat with them live. This also helps keep users on the site for longer periods, rather than having them communicate on other social media platforms. Being invited to someone's house is free, you just cant have your own home or host your own "parties" without being a paying member.
Yes another good idea. I like this 

2) A player pet. Pretty much the same as before, a pet you can look after, perhaps dress up, which you also have to be a paying member for.
These two features have already been mentioned, and putting them behind a paywall will increase the number of senators in the game. With increased senators, that's more of a pool for potential SMs and also Prime Bimbos. Now that there's more senators, Prime Bimbo is getting more money, meaning more incentive for those senators to then run for PB.
Another good idea. You are on form

With a more active and engaged userbase, then people may be more interested in focusing on political aspects. Now that there's more people running for PB, ultimately you will have opposing views come election day. Another point I would like to add is if players are interested in becoming PB with the current state of our republic, the incentive just isn't strong enough. Not just because of money, but also because we KNOW that PB will eventually HAVE to step down, so why not just...wait? To combat this issue we could perhaps reintroduce the idea of having no limit on PB terms. This may give people more of an incentive to actually run AGAINST them, else they'll just wait until its their turn.Things that need to be addressed here as well, is that we already struggle to find new state ministers as well as PBs. When Lilly stepped down from PB, I remember people panicking because it appeared no body wanted to run. If not ONE person wants to run, how are you going to encourage more than that? The answer isn't because of politics, it's to do with site engagement. What makes the site FUN. What is making people play the game? What is bringing in NEW players. Do we even advertise Ximboland?
No advertising at all. Advertising is a fools errand. If Ximboland isn't good enough or interesting enough to succeed without advertising then its just not good enough. Thats why we need to create creators because then you the creators will advertise our site for us. 

Onto the topic of bans, I agree no PB or SM or FP or Shopworker should have ever been banned. Unless actual threats were said, "hurty words" as you put it are fine. That being said, these players should NOT be immune from the rules (that goes for admins too) and need to be held accountable for their actions. I was not around when a lot of these bans were taken place, so I cannot vouch for their actions being "hurty" and not outright harmful, so you would have to do some research into that yourself, perhaps alongside FP members and PB, since they have been far more active on the site than yourself around those time periods so they would know more details about that.

I agree. Banning someone for life is the equivalent of sentencing them to death in real life 

To sum up, getting a more involved player base will be the key to getting more interest in PB and the other positions. Things have been looking up recently with the updates, but these are some things we have been begging for for YEARS at this point. If more time went into developing the site, more players would have fun here, be more inclined to get involved in what makes XL unique. Unfortunately when running for PB, currently it isn't a case of what your political beliefs are, it's a case of what updates and activities you will bring to the site. Once that issue is resolved, I believe we will see a democracy flourish, because players will bring their attention back to the politics of the site. It's a win win for all of us.
Thank you for your thoughtful message - one of the best I have ever read 

06.12.2023 15:40:19

Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
06.12.2023 15:57:35
Miss Bimbo

Miss Bimbo wrote:
CrystalWitch wrote:
Miss Bimbo wrote:
If no one stands against the incumbent prime ximbo then I will automatically be installed as Prime Ximbo for 1 term.
So I will be president and Prime ximbo for 1 term and until there are at least 2 proper healthy candidates vying for power.

Secondly I am going to foster a more left-right political axis in Ximboland by installing myself as Prime Ximbo every 3rd term until such a time when democracy is thriving.
Miss bimbo, I'm going to repeat my suggestion that you participate in the election. Run for office instead of just installing yourself as Prime Ximbo. Be the second proper healthy candidate that you are looking for.

If you install yourself into power, that's a dictatorship.

I'm a new player. I'm considering the option of paying money to become a senator. I will not pay to be part of a dictatorship.
Your idea of me running for power is a good one with one major flaw - there is no chance of me winning. I am the right leaning President amongst a predominantly left leaning female and gay community. The chances of me winning are slim to zero.
That said I would defo do a good job.

06.12.2023 15:57:35

Level 195
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06.12.2023 16:51:13

Miss Bimbo wrote:
I agree. Banning someone for life is the equivalent of sentencing them to death in real life 

"Exile" would be a more apt equivalent to describe it. They've been forcefully deported from the site, not the entirety of the internet. Ximboland is an island on the sea of web, not the whole world. When you leave the site voluntarily, it is called "emigrating", not "suicide", for a reason.

Also, there seems to be some confusion with the word "banning". When people talk about banning in this thread, they're continuously referring to permabanning, kicking someone off the site for good. The sentence " yes but there is a huge difference between banning someone for being an asshole and actually kicking them off the site/killing their Bimbo." makes no sense. The seriousness of this response seems disproportional to the actual issue to me. Nevertheless, while it is fine to periodically re-evalute the rules by which such a sentence bestowed (as they do in most countries to keep up with evolving morals), the sentences of those already sentenced by old laws do not just get revoked when this happens. They get re-evaluated on an individual basis. Assuming, this is you intention as well but it is not necessarily how this comes across

On an online environment, such as this, however, I fear the consequences of unbanning already banned people will no be very successful. For one, it'll probably be in vain as many unbanned people might not be willing to return especially if it is been a long time. Secondly, it'll show a presidence that encourages citizens to misbehave more. After all, if the PH's decisions are never truly permanent (subject to the whims and fancies of a future PB), what reason is there to follow the current power? Of course unfair bannings should be re-evaluated as there is always a possibility of new information coming to the surface of someone having acted in error. But to unban people (who have been banned for a reason) just based on personal preference without proper, heavy cause undermines the justice system of Ximboland

06.12.2023 16:51:13

Furiously drawing new designs 

Level 111
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 1084346
Reputation: 59918
Posts: 1983
06.12.2023 17:29:13

I can't wait for the r/hobbydrama write up on this one: Man in his 40s declares that site banning is the equivalent of death.

06.12.2023 17:29:13
Level 187
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06.12.2023 18:01:40

To explain what Kirsty is talking about, to Miss Bimbo and to anyone else who is confused: Every contest that we run, we have to pay for those diamonds to be awarded. They come out of our own bank of diamonds. We don't get "funded" a bunch of diamonds for these contests or have them compensated to us. We buy them and we give them away. I think that shows how much dedication State Ministers and Prime Bimbo have for the site. Now, you can run a contest and give everyone a participation prize and a nice prize to the top three, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg. I think it's important to note here as well - please don't judge State Ministers by the prizes they dish out, it's only a reflection of how much money they have. State Ministers pay the monthly/yearly fee of senatorship and then have to fund their terms. Please focus on our creativity, our compassion for players, our activeness on the forums, in the comments and on the site as a whole.

Miss Bimbo, I can sense you are probably asking why we even bother to run contests and are saying it is our own choice to do so, and I agree with you. But, the site is ever changing. In it's current state, it is expected of State Ministers to frequently run contests (1 a month at the least) and we simply cannot argue with that. If that is what the game has evolved into, then that is how we State Ministers operate. We want to keep the site alive and enjoyable, and this is how it is done; this is what the players enjoy. I have no issues with that, but it is important to acknowledge that a lot of the treasury fund is made up of PBs own money, alongside her SMs, and the SM work is wholeheartedly voluntary, with no pay. The satisfaction I get is not from being paid, but from the players enjoying themselves. However, I still would appreciate some money for my efforts, I think we all would. Even if it was just that the diamonds we give out were compensated, I believe more people would like to run for SM if they knew it wasn't going to cost them so much money. 

06.12.2023 18:01:40

Level 26
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Posts: 110
06.12.2023 18:11:17

Miss Bimbo wrote:
Your idea of me running for power is a good one with one major flaw - there is no chance of me winning. I am a right leaning straight male amongst a predominantly left leaning female and gay community. The chances of me winning are slim to zero.
That said I would defo do a good job.
  what other dictators have taken their place in government for 'the good of the people' because they knew a democratic vote would kick them out?...

....hmmm??? jilter??? bussolini??? nao??

if bimboland was a real country, it would be fucked LOL

06.12.2023 18:11:17

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Forum.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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