i'm looking forward to being your state minister again, and feeling very excited. i was so nervous for the election results!
now, let's get down to business! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
here's some of what you can expect in the coming days and weeks:
for my birthday board tradition to continue! if you don't know what that is, i give out birthday presents of 100 gems to every atheista citizen who puts their birthday onto this google sheet (click on the hyperlink to add yours!). the sheet was originally created by former state minister misogynist as a way for everyone to wish each other happy birthday ♡
continuation of our monthly atheista-only fashion contests, starting with a suggestion thread for december's. that will go up either later today or sometime this weekend! it's been really fun to get to host them, and i always love seeing what cool ideas everyone comes up with. at the request of one of our citizens, banners will also be coming out soon for winners of last month's fashion contest. if you're a participant and would like one as well, please shoot me a message!
the creation of a thread for citizens to post their questions, concerns, and suggestions for atheista! i'll do my best to answer these - put your suggestions for the state here! like i said in my program, if there's something you'd like to see happen that i'm not currently doing & is within my power, i want to know about it. your ideas are important, too! in the meantime, if there's anything you need & that thread isn't up yet, feel free to post it in this thread or just send me a message.
more discussion topic type forum threads! i want more "talking point" type threads, especially with the success of threads like the bucket list thread (shameless plug ;-) ). i hope that these will foster more friendly communication within the state and keep our town hall bustling (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) new ones will pop up every so often, so keep your eyes peeled! they will probably typically adhere to a weekly schedule, with some wiggle room of a few days.
some other plans i have in mind for atheista:
fashion contests in addition to citizen-suggested ones! we dipped our toes into these a bit before, but i plan on actively hosting contests with predetermined themes at the very least every other month - will move up to more regular ones if there is enough interest! there will be banners for these for winners and anyone else who wants them, as well as typical diamond prizes! you'll learn more about these very soon... (wink wink nudge nudge)
collaboration with other states! i plan on working with state ministers of other states over the course of this term, so please look out for more collaborative events between atheista and other states as well ^^
thank you again to everyone who voted for me! i'm honored that you guys wanted to have me for a second term, and i hope i can serve you all well ♡ please message me if you need anything at all, or even if you just want to talk layering! i'm always happy to chat. ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ )
see you soon,