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Serious talk / Reputation points helping thread

Xemocracy Arena
Theodora Dee
Level 44
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Sex Appeal: 66466
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Posts: 682
08.05.2024 19:18:47
Theodora Dee

Bimbo Pimp wrote: (original post HERE)
I've been pondering the protestors' tears over human deaths lately. Why weren't these same people concerned or outraged a year or six months ago? The conflict and deaths in Israel didn't just suddenly appear. What about the silent genocide...
i live in the middle east, bimbo pimp, i've been mourning these people for as long as i can remember. and i'm literally turkish so the usage of the uyghur turks as this edgy blow doesn't really affect me, either. i try not to use platforms such as aliexpress, wish, shein and temu as much as i can, not only for the uyghur turks, but also for the people in those sweatshops getting exploited, for the children working at such young ages. i might not be able to boycott all of the evil corporations and countries in the world because they're SO intertwined with the system at this point it's almost impossible to do so, but i can try my best. i can try to raise awareness. i can protest. i can try to get their voice heard.

also, i'm not even going to respond to that, katie. i can at least maintain to have a discussion with bimbo pimp, even though our views are polar opposites. you're just trying to troll and get people angry.

08.05.2024 19:18:47

Level 271
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08.05.2024 19:32:05

I’m not trolling anyone.  You don’t live in Israel.  Don’t think that you do, or can speak for Israelis, just because you live in the Middle East, which could be anywhere.  Tell me, who was Yassar Arafat?  Did you watch his funeral?  And who are the two real-life Abu Hamzas?

Watch those videos I mentioned.  Or don’t.  Yeah…you shouldn’t watch them.  Just drop the fake genocide garbage.

08.05.2024 19:32:05
Vote for Katie Boutique for Minister of Entertainment and Education.
Level 23
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08.05.2024 20:27:43

Bimbo Pimp wrote: (original post HERE)
I've been pondering the protestors' tears over human deaths lately. Why weren't these same people concerned or outraged a year or six months ago? The conflict and deaths in Israel didn't just suddenly appear. What about the silent genocide...
You are correct! This "conflict" did not just occur 6 months ago. The current protests, demonstrations, and responses have been the result of what can happen when people as well as land experience oppression for decades. It is called a "silent" genocide because of the lack of mainstream media reporting. What's happening now is an inspiring example of what we as humans SHOULD BE striving for in the face of crimes against humanity. It is not just about individuals, it is the system. We 1000% should be boycotting and giving a voice to those who are being silenced in Palestine, Xinjiang, Congo, Tigray, and everywhere else in the world. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere please think about that. 
There have been protests for the cause worldwide including Europe, Korea, South America, and Africa. Humanity has no borders. What you are seeing now is something generations before us wish they could accomplish. A revolution cannot happen in one day it takes time to rebuild a system that has been broken for centuries.

08.05.2024 20:27:43
Fairest of the Seasons  ૮ - Ⱉ - ა ᶻ
Level 271
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08.05.2024 23:30:55

Well, good luck overthrowing governments.  I imagine your list is pretty comprehensive:

The United States
Great Britain

Am I leaving any out?  Yes!

The 72 Nations of The Theocratic Empire.  Of Christianity?  Nope.

Of Islam.

You are not happy with them either.  Or are you?

08.05.2024 23:30:55
Vote for Katie Boutique for Minister of Entertainment and Education.
Bimbo Pimp
Level 61
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Sex Appeal: 178102
Reputation: 36156
Posts: 1325
08.05.2024 23:39:15
Bimbo Pimp


I have no issue with individuals like yourself who are ready to back up their words with action. It's important to practice what you preach. While we may have differing opinions on some topics, we both try to stay true to our principles. I advocate for calling out individuals who loudly and aggressively argue with their own community solely to appear virtuous and gain approval from others. Protesters are being questioned about the reasons for their protests and many have no understanding, genuinely lacking knowledge on the subject. They are present simply because they were invited to join and without understanding the significance, they shout "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free."

@Too Sensitive 4 this world

Couldn’t have picked a better name lol :P jk

What have we achieved so far? Under the leadership of both Obama and Trump, we were the closest to world peace in human history. In a world where evil exists, it is crucial to have strong individuals who can confront and control it. Iran, known for funding various issues in the Middle East, was effectively managed during this time. The decision by the Biden administration to lift sanctions on Iran and release billions of dollars in funds in September, followed by the outbreak of war shortly after, raises suspicions of a connection.

The idea of being the savior of the world and using our own resources to provide aid to everyone is unrealistic. Achieving peace in the Middle East is crucial, and Israel, as a free democracy, plays a vital role in the region. Having a presence in the Middle East is not only beneficial for Israel but also for other Arab countries who rely on our Navy for protection. As a global superpower, it is important that we maintain our position and prevent China from taking over our role. Standing firm and assisting countries that depend on us is essential for maintaining global stability. Our pursuit of creating a utopian society will ultimately lead to our downfall.

08.05.2024 23:39:15

Level 23
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Posts: 23
09.05.2024 03:04:06

Striving for a world where children are not being actively starved and families are not being massacred doesn't really sound like a utopian society... Those are basic human rights. I completely understand the economic importance of the "global stability" however it is our blind following of governments that will truly lead to our downfall. Every single major government & world power has either been or is currently corrupt. The United States has never in its history ever been close to true peace or stability. What good is assisting countries when they are killing their own civilians?
Not to mention the fact that our economic stability will be rendered meaningless if our environment continues the way it is. This is not only a humanitarian crisis but an environmental one too which affects every single person who has and will ever walk this Earth no matter your nationality or ethnicity. The level of bombings, destruction, and harm to the land is literally fuel for the already rising Global warming. I am sorry that you feel like it has reached utter hopelessness, but humanity DOES still exist, and Palestine is proof of that. The resilience of the people in the face of what you are describing is exactly what makes this so impactful. Here is an article from the Bullard Center for Environmental Justice, if you or anyone else in this forum is open to having a genuine open mind about this: 

09.05.2024 03:04:06
Fairest of the Seasons  ૮ - Ⱉ - ა ᶻ
Bimbo Pimp
Level 61
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Posts: 1325
09.05.2024 19:27:32
Bimbo Pimp

What do you suggest the U.S do? Engage in war with every country? Invade other nations? What is the actual plan here? Your emotions seem to be clouding your judgment regarding the harsh realities of the world. It's important to think rationally rather than emotionally. Life is not fair, and true equality is nonexistent. You and I are not truly equal, we are not born under the same circumstances, with the exact same rights or opportunities due to various factors. That is life and I accept it.

Claiming that the United States has never come close to peace or stability is really something. The country's attractiveness to immigrants speaks volumes about its successes and freedoms earned through sacrifices. It's baffling to see how you overlook the contrasting realities between Gaza and Israel, where this discussion we women are having freely would result in death in Gaza but not in Israel. Ignoring evidence that goes against your beliefs is not a wise approach.

Why do you assume I view the world as hopeless? Because I prioritize logic over emotions? It's essential to consider facts separate from feelings to understand the bigger picture. For instance, there are no reports of Israeli Defense Forces raping Palestinian women, while Hamas has openly admitted to such acts against Israeli women.  

Mia Schem an Israeli women who was kidnapped by Hamas, hear what she has to say.   I do believe  that there is more than one side to a story and so I’ve been looking into everything I can find.



Let’s talk about emotions.  Have you seen all the footage of October 7th? I have, and if one of those women were your mother, sister, or friend, would you still feel this unlimited compassion? An eye for an eye makes the world go blind. If it was my blood I wouldn’t care, I would want to go scorched-earth. That is the problem feelings.  

09.05.2024 19:27:32

Theodora Dee
Level 44
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Posts: 682
09.05.2024 19:46:53
Theodora Dee

correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the us already engaging in war by sending israel weapons and using you guys' tax money to fund it?

09.05.2024 19:46:53

Bimbo Pimp
Level 61
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Reputation: 36156
Posts: 1325
09.05.2024 19:50:04
Bimbo Pimp

It is called charity. It is not OUR war to fight. People forget that really quick when their heartstrings are tugged.

09.05.2024 19:50:04

Level 23
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 8537
Reputation: 5608
Posts: 23
10.05.2024 00:31:12

Bimbo Pimp wrote: (original post HERE)
What do you suggest the U.S do? Engage in war with every country? Invade other nations? What is the actual plan here? Your emotions seem to be clouding your judgment regarding the harsh realities of the world. It's important to think rationally...
You are saying that as if the U.S. has not already engaged in several pointless, destructive, and expensive wars yet, it will not engage in the one way that could actually prevent one from happening: demanding a ceasefire. History repeats itself if it is not correctly learned from, as made clear by the fact that we are going through another mass extermination of a group of people, yet those in power and unfortunately people like you do not want to be "involved." What goes around comes around, and there is no true way for us to stay out of foreign affairs when our country has established itself as one that mingles with such. We are involved whether we like it or not, and I certainly am not pleased with the fact that our tax money is not being used to support our crippling system and instead being sent to fund not only Israel's military but their economy as well while they are destroying others. If the U.S. can aid in the bloodshed of lives, it should be held to the standard of helping rebuild them. It seems you are taking my words as being "pro-war" when they are the farthest thing from. You can bring up my emotions all you want, but it doesn't "overcloud" the fact that you are willing to roll over like a dog for corruption. Yes, you are again correct; not everyone is born equally in this world because of the twisted systems set in place—U.S. healthcare and oil, to name a couple. But you are willing to be aware of those facts and not do anything about them? The fact that you are so desensitized to such an obvious act against the "liberty, justice for all" fantasy America preaches doesn't sound very patriotic to me considering you claim to love America as much as you have in your previous posts on this forum. 

The American dream is a complete and utter lie. In truth, it had died decades ago, and immigrants have always faced disgusting treatments. Do you really think the same country that violated and stole Native land has always been truly "attractive" to immigrants? It isn't even now, and that is the reason why several more immigrants are going to Canada instead, not saying their history is cleaner by any means. 

Israel has highly one-sided and censored news that comes out of its pre-approved news outlets. We would not be allowed to have this conversation there by any means because it is criticizing all world powers. Mia Schem is very fortunate to have been able to return to her home and to her family, something that cannot be said for the nearly 1.5 million Gazans forced to leave their homes, with their families being mutilated and lost in the rubble of their homes. I believe hostages are a disgusting tool of war, and it breaks my heart to know that it will be not only the lives of innocent Palestinians being lost but now any hostage who may have remained alive in Gaza due to Israel's constant attacks destroying any hospital left to treat anyone. Hamas agreed to a ceasefire, which has been the only time hostages have been safely retrieved, and Israel has denied it. I do not believe every Israeli wants a war, and it is unfair to them that their government has made it clear what their intentions are.

Rafah is being invaded as we speak. The last remaining place for civilians to have refugee status. There is footage of infants with their organs exposed, and yes, I have seen them. I have seen the footage from the parading of bodies on October 7th as well. I have links to these horrific images that I know will do nothing to fill the hole in your heart, but I can hope that maybe you can understand the utter disgust at seeing a father carrying the only remains left of his child in a bag. Or maybe a six-year-old girl who was trapped with the deceased bodies of her relatives on the phone with emergency services for 3 hours begging for help in a car before being murdered by tanks along with the 2 paramedics who tried to help her. Her name was Hind Rajab. These are the monstrosities of the human race, and that is exactly what I am trying to say. This is the result of deeply corrupt governments that are indeed much more powerful than a single movement; however, the 1% are aware and afraid of how fast a movement can spread. Great change has only ever happened when people have made "a scene." Women were still legally allowed to be ræped by their husbands until 1993 in all 50 states. Just because something hasn't been challenged in decades doesn't mean it cannot be changed for the better once it has been. Even if it takes resistance and unrelenting faith in humanity.

Kindness is not "eye for eye." I'm sorry that yours has been taken advantage of so many times for you to come to think like this.

10.05.2024 00:31:12
Fairest of the Seasons  ૮ - Ⱉ - ა ᶻ

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What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

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How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

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Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

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When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
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March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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