Prime Ximbo:
Treasury (USD):

Ximboland Clock


Xemocracy Arena
Level 63
Status: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sex Appeal: 197318
Reputation: 14602
Posts: 971
30.10.2024 22:37:12

Katrynah wrote: (original post HERE)
"...begging you please run for mofa"
I am running.

30.10.2024 22:37:12
PXFC Anti-Fashion Theme Assassin.
Use your Referral Links.  Bring new people to Ximboland

“The Truth is always found in the middle.”

Bimbo Pimp
Level 66
Status: State Minister
Sex Appeal: 223316
Reputation: 59198
Posts: 2399
31.10.2024 18:58:43
Bimbo Pimp

I make the best block messages, oh but I'm not allowed to anymore because the Nazis have started their advance on freedom once again. 

31.10.2024 18:58:43
* ** *
Level 302
Status: Minister of Justice
Sex Appeal: 37987273
Reputation: 119659
Posts: 3692
31.10.2024 20:06:43

I have a very nice comparison on your non-public comment on a single Tat Block to < ximbo1 >
and the comments received on multiple Tit blocks by < ximbo2 >

And the comparative actions/reactions/commentary from 2 Main Ministers on both.

The Ximdependent Party takes lots of notes.
We are very patient.
We wish this next Three-Month slate of Ministers the best…bestie…of luck.

Katherine Madison Boutique
Chairwoman - The Ximdependent Party
Ximboland, Earth

(cue VenusPlanetDestroyer @Venus Planet Destroyer and Plan X…od)

***For future reference:  Footnote Dean, MoJ Rules

Hello my fellow Himbos Bimbos sluts and skanks

Here’s the rules

We will be operating under the TOS mr sweetasnuts has posted. Myself and fashion police will be moderating slurs and removing them. If you are found violating the TOS and or using slurs to insult others said post will be removed. You will receive a notice of your post being removed and why. The TOS and rules will be interpreted AS WRITTEN.

Why we are simply removing posts with slurs instead of editing them out.

Because if you’re using slurs to insult someone you’re probably too stupid to make a coherent post ANYWAYS and I’m not editing it to make it make sense. Either get better at insulting eachother or don’t use slurs idgaf. But I think it’s a waste of time to edit the post with the slur anyways because usually it’s meant to upset or insult someone. Just don’t use them and your post won’t be removed YIPPIE!

I’m not doing strikes

If you are found violating the TOS rules you will be let know and depending on the amount of violations you have had in the past this will affect if you get forum banned and for how long.

Ok dean so wtf can I do

Well reading, shading, and generally being a bitch are allowed. If you insult someone you better be expecting them to insult you back if not worse. (Obviously not using slurs because only dipshits who can’t think of anything else use those). If you insult someone and they insult you back and you come crying about it to me I will have almost zero sympathy don’t talk shit if you don’t wanna get hit. If y’all are going too far myself and or my fashion police will step in.

Ok well what if someone keeps insulting me or I have beef with someone

Bring their ass to trial! There will be a thread for people to bring others to trial. Two types of trials will be run. Defendant vrs prosecution and defendant vrs ximboland. The first will be used for interpersonal conflicts. The second will be used for trolls or people who have violated the TOS or that the general public just wants to sue. For person vrs person it will be me judging your case. Depending on who is found guilty and the case a vote will be put forth to the public to decide the punishment or if it even needs one. For person vrs ximboland/the general public, a vote will be put to the public to decide if they are guilty and their punishment will be decided in forum by ximbo citizens. Interpersonal trials will defend themselves and will present their evidence to me personally. Defendant vrs ximboland cases will be allowed a councel of their choosing (lawyer) and will be responsible for defending themselves to their peers.

Wait can anyone suggest people for trial

Well yeah just don’t abuse it.

Also this way of doing trials is new so please be patient with me as we get it set up. And if y’all have any concerns I ENCOURAGE you to message me idgaf what it’s about I will read it and do my best to either implement it or explain why I cant.

edit: you can identify and use a slur IN REGARDS TO YOURSELF. ANY OTHER USAGE WILL BE DELETED

31.10.2024 20:06:43
What’s your favorite charity?  Mine is Ximboland.
Miss BIMBO IS the Queen of Hearts.  Not the 2 of Clubs.
SweetasNuts IS the King of Diamonds.  Not the 2 of Spades.
Ximboland IS the Ace of Hearts.  Not the Joker.
The Beautiful Republic, Ximboland…
”…a secret world for Ximbos to be free, safe, beautiful and ridiculous.”
Antitheocra - The Home of Pink Crown Queen Miss Bimbo

Level 82
Status: Minister of Entertainment
Sex Appeal: 427100
Reputation: 82309
Posts: 4222
31.10.2024 20:30:18

im a tish confused about what that post means

31.10.2024 20:30:18
₊˚⊹ ᰔ tibby or ash / any pronouns / 21

₍^. .^₎⟆ ask me about the perks of being a senator ! (there's a ton ~)   
Level 63
Status: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sex Appeal: 197318
Reputation: 14602
Posts: 971
31.10.2024 20:34:18

You’ll see…don’t worry Katie is  top notch entertainer.
BTW I love the girl waving the leek.  It’s you signature little image.

31.10.2024 20:34:18
PXFC Anti-Fashion Theme Assassin.
Use your Referral Links.  Bring new people to Ximboland

“The Truth is always found in the middle.”

Level 82
Status: Minister of Entertainment
Sex Appeal: 427100
Reputation: 82309
Posts: 4222
31.10.2024 20:42:17

thanks :D it's hatsune miku


31.10.2024 20:42:17
₊˚⊹ ᰔ tibby or ash / any pronouns / 21

₍^. .^₎⟆ ask me about the perks of being a senator ! (there's a ton ~)   
Level 52
Status: Fashion Police
Sex Appeal: 112098
Reputation: 13070
Posts: 675
31.10.2024 20:42:22

I think Katie may have the “Tit for Tat Double Block” backwards.

In a tit for tat, the tit is responding to the tat, who got the ball rolling.
”Here’s my tit for your tat!”
I think I have that right…but some research into the phase on Google might be in order.

31.10.2024 20:42:22
Please put down the mushrooms and the cat

Level 63
Status: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sex Appeal: 197318
Reputation: 14602
Posts: 971
31.10.2024 20:45:12

tibby wrote: (original post HERE)
thanks :D it's hatsune miku
There she is.  Is there a name for that type of gif image?
I see them every so often and they are really cute.

31.10.2024 20:45:12
PXFC Anti-Fashion Theme Assassin.
Use your Referral Links.  Bring new people to Ximboland

“The Truth is always found in the middle.”

Level 82
Status: Minister of Entertainment
Sex Appeal: 427100
Reputation: 82309
Posts: 4222
31.10.2024 20:46:41

i'm not sure, sorry. but using terms like pixel art helps !

31.10.2024 20:46:41
₊˚⊹ ᰔ tibby or ash / any pronouns / 21

₍^. .^₎⟆ ask me about the perks of being a senator ! (there's a ton ~)   
Dean Winchester
Level 43
Status: Fashion Designer
Sex Appeal: 62339
Reputation: 41104
Posts: 2097
31.10.2024 22:52:17
Dean Winchester

I need to buy a gun

31.10.2024 22:52:17

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Town Square.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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