Hi all! Huge delay on this just like last time! Sorry about that and hope you're all having a great State Wars and Lunar New Year (check out the shop's Lunar New Year sale, also).
Achievements in the last 3 months:
- Ran the yearly Advent Calendar event, which was super fun!! I'm proud of what we managed to put together this year.
- Ran a couple other smaller events (A tiny New Year's event, a Tattoo Tuesday sale, which will continue for another day or two in February, and the current Lunar New Year sale)
- Uploaded a bunch of items (huge thank you to Melpomene for this)! The Pink House page is actually not showing the number of clothing items added this term, not sure why, so I actually have no idea how many items were added, but trust me, it was a huge amount. Tons and tons of recolors from the Advent Calendar, Spooky Surprises, and a number of events from the last few years!
- Continued fixing glitched items and fulfilling recolor requests
- Lots of design work from the entire shop team behind the scenes! This means we have some fun things in store for the next term :)
Goals for next term:
- The designer guide, sorry this keeps not happening. See note below*
- At least one fashion contest related to new shop items!!
- At least one flash sale (one day) per month and at least one larger sale event during the term (though none will be a month long—sorry, I'm exhausted after the Advent Calendar and Spooky Surprises)
- Still would love to get admin on board with a consistent designer payment structure, we'll see. As I've said before, I have pitched a payment structure idea before and it hasn't worked out but maybe, maybe this time...
- Some secret goals that will be revealed in due time, if I'm able to make them happen!!
- Designer spotlights! I'd love to make a thread in Nines once a month about one of our current designers, having them answer some questions and talk about their inspirations, aesthetics, and any tips they have for new designers. We'd also love to include a set or a few new items from them that they feel encapsulate their designer style. Designers really carry this site and they deserve to be recognized, and I hope this will inspire other users to get involved and start designing themselves (this is a repeat goal from last term)*
- Advocate for new shop functions which would increase the number of treasury purchases and Senator subscriptions. The goal is to bring in more revenue so greater improvements can be made (repeat goal from last term).
Why you should re-elect me:
- Even at a lower activity level, I am super dedicated to this site and consistently spend at least 10 hours a week on shop activities.
- I am extremely familiar with the complex and often nitpicky shop tools, making me the best fit for this position which rotates entirely around the shop. I'm also the only current shop worker who has the ability to commit to the position right now (otherwise I know Blecky and Melp would both do an amazing job)
- I'm a designer and active site user with many outfits and a bunch of contest wins under my belt. I understand fashion!
- I'm active and involved with the community and my messages are always open. Please never feel afraid to reach out about anything!!
Alright, and for the asterisk*—
I was fairly inactive in November, my apologies. As many of you know, my spouse and I have been struggling with an extended housing problem since last June and while I thought it would be over by early November, that was not the case (through no fault of my own). Things are better now as we're finally living at home again, but I was sick for a good portion of January (still not doing amazingly now) and there are still some issues that need to be handled which may make my schedule slightly inconsistent, but I hope to be more available overall this term.
Related to this, I feel very guilty about the treasury funds given inactivity and will be working out something with the other shop workers to either split the treasury privately or donate a portion of it to charities of their choice. Melpomene has been absolutely crucial to the success of the shop this term and I really feel she deserves her flowers for that, at minimum in writing, so really truly, thank you!! Could not have done it without you, truly.
Alright, I think that's it. Feel free to ask any questions below or, if you're shy, DM me your question and I'll answer it anonymously in this thread. Have a great day and lots of love! <3