✧Hi, I'm Haylee! I'm a she/her bisexual 23yo, tiny silly UK Girl!✧
fave things°˖✿˚⋆
Almost Famous, The Lost Boys, The Craft, Human Traffic, The Beach, Attack the Block, The Breakfast Club, Fall, Dazed and Confused...
Vid Games✧
Skyrim, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Mass Effect 1,2 & 3, Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, Dragon Age Inquisition, Gears of War 1,2 & 3, Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, & Black Flag...
Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Beyond the Boundary, Project A-Ko, Battle Angel Alita, Cowboy Bepop, Violet Evergarden, Eureka Seven, Chainsaw Man...
Tay, Avril, Paramore, The Used, Rise Against, ADTR, Zheani, Hixxy, S3RL...
fave choons of the year (2024)°˖✿˚⋆
♪ Confidence Man- SO WHAT
♪ Hannah Laing- Ibizacore
♪ Alex Park x Andra Grogan- Boy, What's Your Name
♪ David Guetta x Alesso x Madison Love- Never Going Home Tonight
♪ PiNKII- Big Simpin'
fave tracks of the year (2023)°˖✿˚⋆/ Hannah Laing x RoRo- Good Love/ Becky Hill x Chase & Status- Disconnect/ Casso x Raye x D Block Europe- Prada/ Zara Larsson x David Guetta- On My Love/ Fisher x AATIG- Take It Off
✧Look in my artwork tab to see this awesome piece of art by
ediblegoats, this kewt chibified version of me from
reivalentine, and this cool af sketch by
Pollyx that features me✧
✧Secville from 13/4/23 to 29/6/24
✧Freethinkerland from 29/6/24
HarveeBlue is my alt. In my personal lore he's not my bruvva, he's my luvva, tho I'm happy to step out on him with other peeps!

Ahhh I'm just so flattered to have featured in this amazing ximboobs sketch but the super talented
Pollyx (6/2/25)

ediblegoats did this pic of me for
this art contest and and I'm just ahhh too amazed by it!!!! Thank you sooo much goats for this honour! (25/2/24)

This kewt af chibified version of my career look was sent to me by the too lovely for words
reivalentine! Thank youuuu babe❤️(13/7/24)

Aaaaand the last of the banners for "Lets Piant a Rainbow" probably made and sent with a sigh of relief by the lovely
Blecky89 <333 (recieved 23/9, posted 14/10)

Two more banners from the oh so hardworking banner maker
Blecky89 (lol) from FTLs "
Lets Paint a Rainbow" (17/9/24)

A lovely summery banner from
Blecky89, on day that feels quite Autumnal! Freethinkerland "
Paradise Beach" Fashion Contest (13/9/24)
Katrynah with da banner again <3 from the Antitheocra All State "
A Night of Noir" Fashion Contest (28/8/24)

Thanks to
Katrynah for this banner of my preppy girl trying to be punk, from the Antitheocra x Secville "
Punk Vs. Prep" Fashion Contest (19/08/24)

A banner by, guess who?... yep,
Blecky89 lol! From the "
Curse if the Witch: Sun and Moon" FTL Fashion Contest. I entered with ma fuck bud
TheKnockAround, he's totes not really a nerd, oh no, no no no, I feel like I have to represent him proper, the pics below are more him, oh yes, yes yes yesssss <3333 (14/8/24)


Just one or two rainbow banners from the ever so busy making banners (lol) legend that is
Blecky89, from FTL's "
Let's Paint a Rainbow" This is my first full rainbow I posted (12/8/24)

Tysm again to
audrey_lynn for this banner and best out of state prize in Atheista's "
Bimbofied Cosplay" Fashion Contest (29/7/24)

Thanks to the lovely
audrey_lynn for choosing me as her Out of State pick in Atheista's "
Modern Fairytales" Fashion Contest (27/6/24)

Voted most vibrant RED and VIOLET in week 2 of
Blecky89's "
Let's Paint a Rainbow"...

...and most YELLOW and INDIGO in week 3 <3 (24/7/24)

Thanks to
Katrynah for the 2nd place and banner. Please don't notice the awful layering mistake I made, eep!!!! (Antitheocra All-States "
Summerween" Fashion Contest 1/7/24)

I got voted '
Bluest Blue' in week 1 of
's "
Lets Paint a Rainbow" (22/6/24 - 29/6/24)

Yayyy, my first banner as a Freethinkerlander, from the lovely
Blecky89 (Freethinkerland "
Twisted Fairytale" contest 17/6/24)
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

Thanks again to
Katrynah for this awesome cyborg banner (Antitheocra/Secville "Cyborg Vs Steampunk" Fashion Contest 18/6/24)

Thanks so much to
Katrynah for this banner. (Antitheocra "Office Vixens & Casanovas" Fashion Contest 22/3/24)

Massive thanks to
Pollyx for making awesome bespoke banners for everyone, even just for those ppl who participated!!! WOW (Antitheocra "Culinary Coutre" Fashion Contest 14/12/23)

Anotherrrr banner from the lovely
audrey_lynn lol (Atheista 'Lost and Found' Fashion Contest 23/11/23)
audrey_lynn starting to dom my banners tab lol! Thanks babe! ('The Haunting of Atheista' fashion contest 7/11/23)

Big thanks to to
audrey_lynn for another banner and giving this Secville girl the out-of-state prize! (Atheista 'Every Witch Way' Fashion Contest 9/9/23)

Thanks to
audrey_lynn for running the contest and for this lovely banner <3 (Atheista 'creepy crawler couture' fashion contest 18/8/23)

Thanks so much to
bxdcherri for the contest, and for opening it up to other states so that I could get a banner <3 (Reasonopia 'Harry Potter' Contest 7/8/23)

Thanks again
ximboglizzy. (Secville 'World of Sanrio' Fashion Contest 28/6/23)

My first ever banner! TYSM
ximboglizzy. (Secville 'Bimbo or Not' Contest 25/5/23)

Ooh the first time I've ever been blocked, just thought I'd leave it here in my archive for lols!!!

All 21 of my rainbow fits from
Blecky89's "
Lets Paint a Rainbow"!!!

This is just a fun pic I made of my
alt Harvee creepin' on me (and what he saw behind the window) lol! (9/7/24)
My Fave PXFC entries that I've done!These three are my faves even tho they didn't do very well for me in the contest. Are they really that bad? lol!
Left: Sep '23- Freakshow (placed 57th)
Middle: Oct '23- Dollhouse (placed 56th)
Right: Dec '23- Whodunit (placed 28th!)
ME IRL!Some of my older looks represented me at various points of my life;
LEFT: Me when I was a teen during my Emo period, down the park drinking and smoking thinking I was proper edgy LOL!
MIDDLE: Me when I was a student at a club night doing the Kandy Kid thing. PLUR!
RIGHT: Me earlier this year at a club, when I picked up a super hot guy!!!
My OG Look!This is the very first look I created when I joined BL in April of this year (2023). It was added to and improved as I scrimped and scraped together BL$'s in those early days until it became this finished article. I said in this
thread, that it would always stay on my profile, and so even though I've recently changed my style and this look no longer fits in, it's still here on my profile, but now in my archive! (16/9/23)
edit: aaggghh the makeup on the OG (left pic), I can't stand it, had to do an update but leave the OG for the cringe factor lol (24/1/24)