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my opinion on transitioning

Xemocracy Arena
Angel Dust
Level 71
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05.04.2024 20:01:44
Angel Dust

maybe love can blossom on the battlefield...

05.04.2024 20:01:44
stream "Allergic To Food" by Melvins
Level 41
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05.04.2024 20:02:46

Modern day Romeo and Juliet anyone? 

05.04.2024 20:02:46

Level 36
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05.04.2024 20:22:36

Angel Dust wrote:
maybe love can blossom on the battlefield...
so true... i am romeo and in your demand 

05.04.2024 20:22:36

Level 70
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05.04.2024 20:57:09

Bimbo Pimp wrote:
I'm still waiting for this very informative post with links to "countries and states and cities that have had self-id and bathroom access laws for 10+ years who have repeatedly said there’s been no issues." I'm ready to be enlightened. I've been promised proof and I guarantee you most of the proof has been cherry picked or misrepresented. 

Keep in mind, that we are talking about the process that has had the least number of studies done to receive an FDA approval EVER in this country’s history. Even the Covid vaccine that was rushed through the FDA process had more due diligence done than that of transitioning. Puberty blockers and HRT were pushed through by political means and not through a safety record or adequate research/studies. That is how we give the same drugs to chemically castrate a sex offender as we give a little boy to block his puberty.

we aren't talking about that process though, legal gender self-id and facilities access protections for trans people aren't related to medical transitioning. the two things are entirely different areas of policy. also, what you have just said is very misleading. first, no aspect of medical transitioning has ever been FDA approved specifically for medical transitioning, prescribing these things for transitioning is off-label usage of them, which is completely normal; up to a third of all prescriptions given in the US are off-label. second, the evidence for gender affirming care is as good as or better than many other areas of many medicine when you view it in context. many have labeled the evidence, particularly for gender affirming care for minors, as inherently poor quality because of the lack of randomized control trials (to my knowledge there has only been one RCT related to gender affirming care) because they're considered the gold standard in epidemiology. however, it is not feasible nor ethical to perform RCTs for gender affirming care and this holds true for many other areas of medicine. for one, there's the principle of equipoise, which is the ethical basis of trials comparing two groups with different treatments-- in the case of RCTs, a treatment and a placebo-- that states that the probability of benefit/lack of benefit must be equal between the groups based on pre-existing evidence. if it is not, it is ethically impermissible to deliberately provide patients with care that is not optimal, even for research purposes. this is DOUBLY true when the patients are children. there is already so much observational evidence of the benefits of transitioning and the harmful effects of untreated gender dysphoria, particularly in minors, that designing an ethical RCT would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible. this is true for many areas of medicine though! it's very difficult to design RCTs for surgery, or psychotherapy, for example. if you actually put gender affirming care in the context of medical research broadly it's not special at all. this is part of the reason why arkansas and georgia judges overturned bans on gender affirming care for minors in their states; it was claimed that it had poor-quality evidence using something called the GRADE scale, but if you applied the GRADE scale to the rest of pediatric medicine, 60-80% of it would also be rated as having poor-quality evidence just because of the inherent limitations in research on children.
third, you're referring to lupron. lupron is used for blocking puberty and has also been used in a couple of (voluntary) trials to lessen testosterone production in convicted male sex offenders and thus decrease their sex drive. you know what else lupron is used for? endometriosis and prostate cancer. guess we can't do that anymore because it was also used on sex offenders.

anyway, self-id:
argentina has had gender self-id since 2012. over 12,000 people have changed their gender marker since then. according to a 2021 government report, there have been three incidences in that time: one trans woman who was convicted of sexual assault (not in a bathroom just in general), local reports of one man who changed his gender marker to female to go to a female prison where he impregnated an inmate, and one father in a custody battle who changed his gender marker because he believed custody courts were biased against men. i tried to find info about these incidences but couldn't find anything, but it's very possible that there are no english-language sources. argentina has a poor track record wrt the safety of both women and trans people but they've been on track to make systemic changes, this being one of them.
an EU-funded report on the effects of gender self-id in 8 EU countries found little to no unintended consequences or adverse effects. an "artist" in denmark in 2015 changed his gender marker and then walked into a women's locker room to "prove a point". that's the only incident that any government agency in any of these countries reported. the majority of the countries in the report have very good track records for gender equality and none of the agencies reported any effects on the collection of data about gender equality or violence against women.
scotland did an inquiry based on concerns that their proposed gender reforms would put women at risk. in the international context they found no evidence that a threat of that nature ever materialized and the opponents of the reforms raising such concerns could not provide evidence. the UN independent commissioner on gender and sexual orientation corroborated their findings.
an amicus brief filed by the AGs of 21 US states stated that no incidences have arisen in their schools from allowing trans students to use the correct facilities
a study comparing demographically similar counties in massachusetts that had bathroom and locker room access protections for trans people and those that did not found zero statistical correlation between the laws and an increase or decrease in facility safety. the article is paywalled but i bought it some time ago so if you would like screenshots i can provide
here's a bunch of testimonies from law enforcement, school officials, and women's rights organizations (including a statement signed by over 300 sexual assault and domestic violence prevention orgs) stating that allowing trans people to use facilities poses no threat and the discourse surrounding it obfuscates real threats of sexual assault which are almost always people the victim already knows. some of these statements are a few years old though so if you don't want to consider them valid now that's fine

that's what i've got rn, i can find more later when i have time!

05.04.2024 20:57:09
✖ he/him pronouns ✖ chris/sweetasnuts doesnt care about this game
Cunning Linguist
Level 74
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05.04.2024 21:02:38
Cunning Linguist

Iowa bro i appreciate your effort. but these people clearly arent reading all that - they ignore actual data or claim it's biased, while providing absolutely no proof for their views other than hypotheticals & maybe a single rare example (which they havent even linked lol). you already posted a shit ton of links that they just ignored.
they're steadfastedly set in their closedmindedness, because society changing or people looking different is really really scary for them!

(i know youre posting for other randos reading. randos, i hope you actually look into sources instead of falling for cheap fear-based outrage bait like so many people do)

05.04.2024 21:02:38

Theodora Dee
Level 44
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05.04.2024 21:25:05
Theodora Dee

^ i was gonna say the same thing

05.04.2024 21:25:05

Level 70
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05.04.2024 21:34:02

nah its ok! i’m aware of that. like you said there might be someone reading who’s on the fence about this stuff. and someone in the future might look at this thread. i wanna make sure the data is available :]

05.04.2024 21:34:02
✖ he/him pronouns ✖ chris/sweetasnuts doesnt care about this game
Level 41
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Sex Appeal: 52247
Reputation: 22732
Posts: 612
05.04.2024 22:18:36

Daphnee_Mino wrote:
Angel Dust wrote:
maybe love can blossom on the battlefield...
so true... i am romeo and in your demand 
I have finally found my Romeo. True love does exist 

05.04.2024 22:18:36

Dean Winchester
Level 35
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Posts: 877
05.04.2024 23:41:38
Dean Winchester

my mom helped me get top surgery lmao shes my biggest supporter i love her so much she was like well if it makes you happier and i am happier so thats that

05.04.2024 23:41:38
Level 41
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 52247
Reputation: 22732
Posts: 612
05.04.2024 23:50:03

That’s so fucking sweet to hear I love that 

05.04.2024 23:50:03

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Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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