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Ximboland democracy failures and how to address it

Miss Bimbo
Level 75
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Posts: 890
02.12.2023 11:23:34

Pleasant greetings. If I may, kindly. ♥️

The State Ministers and Guardians (Prime Ximbo, Minister of Government, Fashion Police, Coders)

They are the key to this website's success.They are in the field and the ones interacting with us all.
They know everything since we the customers speak and share all to them.

If you want the website to survive and profit, you need to be the one who sponsors these State Ministers and Guardians.

Build them up, provide for them, allow them to enjoy being a leader to us all in whatever they are doing so perfectly too.

Do not limit the State Ministers and Guardians by forcing them to pay for the costs of contests and activities.

Do not stress or dishearten them or give them any reason to worry. 

All they should be doing is enter the website and play their role as they do perfectly and happily as they always have.

Do that and the activities and contests will increase since Diamonds & B$ is no longer a barrier for them.

Increasing traffic from current users to participate in customized activities and bring in new users from positive experiences.

Besides, The Diamonds and B$ are all digital and unlimited currency.

As well as the Senator status being a digital status.

Thus you could allow the State Ministers and Guardians to remain Senator during their Terms without cost to them.

Make it beneficial for State Minister and Guardians to stay and aid.

This would allow them to focus entirely on the state and never worry anymore on whether they can continue in their roles due to financial cost. 

This would in turn, allow some competitiveness from paying Senators and curious Citizens to partake in Campaigns for these benefits and opportunities.

Ximboland is only as powerful as the Ministers and Guardians it has. Without them, there is no power, nor kingdom.

Please and thank you. ♥️

02.12.2023 11:23:34
Level 261
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02.12.2023 12:10:23

is it bc ur like a man or something............... like u made a dress up game which will bring in a majority of women and most women live very peacefully like ??? what did u expect usually men like that sort of thing

also the elon thing is so goofy and corny how old r u again

02.12.2023 12:10:23
i dont struggle w autism im actually very good at it
Level 26
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Posts: 110
02.12.2023 13:48:39

@Hera_, girl EXACTLY

its as if he can't comprehend a peaceful community.... in his muskrat head: CONFLICT = DEMOCRACY

sorry we aren't like all the power hungry psycho men ruining our planet x

highkey regretting spending money on the site. won't be supporting any longer until this decision is reversed fr fr

02.12.2023 13:48:39

Marie Hilton
Level 66
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Posts: 131
02.12.2023 16:39:00
Marie Hilton

let's start a revolution y'all 

he wants us to argue each other, we'll argue with him.

02.12.2023 16:39:00

Level 111
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Posts: 1983
02.12.2023 17:11:35

How many right wingers like bimbo dress up games like does he actually know his demographic?

02.12.2023 17:11:35
Level 29
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Posts: 28
02.12.2023 20:18:30

Ik i havent been here long but this post rubbed me the wrong way and im glad to see all the comments agree with me on that LMFAO honestly i think the issue starts with the fact that i have 0 idea what would change depending on who the prime ximbo is. Would a prime ximbo make arcade games give more money? Would they make more discounts in the store? Would they change the activities that score us points? Or do they just come up with fashion contest themes? If theyre only coming up with themes theres not much incentive to elect a new prime ximbo unless the whole site was reeally unhappy with the past few themes. Sure the prime ximbo makes money but ive seen majority free members on here who wouldnt be interested in paying month to month to be able to be eligible to be prime ximbo in the first place. 

As for the political parties on ximboland i havent figured out a way to distinguish the parties unless i open the wiki specifically to see what somebodies views are so im not sure who to avoid 

Comparing yourself to elon musk is ultimately a loser move. Because he is a loser. Not sorry. Mark Zuckerberg and elon musk both let hate speech run rampant on their websites, ive submitted a report to facebook for a man making a joke about trans children never getting old (aka suicide) so many times fb redirected me to an oversight board that STILL wouldnt take the content down. And people have stopped advertising on twitter altogether because of the hate speech and literally nazi views elon musk allows. Repealing anything related to hate speech is stupid. I havent even seen anything mean on thsi website but people shouldnt be encouraged to be mean under the guise of "free speech" 

Forums from what ive seen are mostly for voting for contests, ive not been shown"hot on the forum" posts related to democracy or politics altogether. Debates are mostly where i see politics discussed and even then everyone ive seen has been left leaning. Not that i have the stats on the user base or anything but is there even many right wing people on here to begin with? If not youre never going to get the engagement you want bc there would be no opposition... regardless i would be on this website wayyyy way less if i start seeing the right wing opinions i do on every other social media and ive been using this as a get away from being called slurs and being told to kill myself for existing. If you are going to encourage right wing voices more i think itd be smart to isolate the political parties more or have people choose to see forum/debateposts by party.

Now onto the glaringly obvious: you complain about a dictatorship yet you want to repeal laws without a vote? You say we dont live in a true democracy yet you want to elect YOURSELF every 3 terms without a vote?? Youre becoming the dictatorship, mama!

02.12.2023 20:18:30

Level 187
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Posts: 2022
03.12.2023 15:05:33

I just wanna say (and I’m quite scared to admit this) but I would say I lean more towards the right then left. However, that DOES NOT mean I hate LGBTQ, wish death upon anyone who is different, think everything should be “back like it was” etc etc. That is an extreme right view and I just need to say that not every right leaning playing thinks that way. We do exist on the site, we are just quiet about our political views, because we don’t want to cause arguments. Or at least that’s how it is for me. Also please take into account that this site is based in Europe, Miss Bimbo being from the UK. The UK right side is FAR less extreme than the US right side. I’d also like to note that quite frankly I don’t give a fuck about politics because at the end of the day every government is ran by corrupt people forcing their own narrative, which sounds similar to what you yourself are trying to do now. The reason why I’ve never ran for PB is because the current PB is doing a great job already, why try to oppose that? I’d rather just wait until her terms have finished, which is what I’m planning  to do. We have a lovely community here that people don’t want to disrupt the flow of, there’s nothing wrong with that. We have a working democracy here, just because we aren’t fighting doesn’t mean we don’t have freedom of speech. I’d also like to add that I, as an SM, have a job to do. I put work into this site. You don’t pay me for that. In fact, I pay YOU for that. I’ve never heard of a real country doing that. Do the developers and admins of the site have to pay you as well? No. Because they’re recognised as employees. We should also be valued. Then maybe we’d be more interested in running the site for you. At the end of day, if FP, shop designers, PB, and SM, all the volunteers of this site got removed, who would you be left with? Do you still think you would have players? It’s not about being “the wrong kind of selfish”. It’s about paying rent and not being exploited 

03.12.2023 15:05:33

Level 95
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04.12.2023 12:30:28

Chris, I think it is very important to know when to cut your losses and leave with whatever dignity you have remaining. It's funny that you accuse the SMs and other staff of being greedy when you are talking about wanting to put the site behind more of a paywall. Interesting.

I can say with almost complete certainty that you will lose the entirety of the active userbase if you implement these changes. I know this because I actually interact with the other users. We work together and collaborated for State Wars, we send each other compliments, we share photos of our pets. We have fostered a lovely community and everyone is largely incredibly kind and supportive. Why would you want to disrupt this?
Go make another site. Seriously. You cannot make these changes and expect a thriving internet republic to be formed anytime soon. It has taken you 15 years to get the site to where it is and it would take at least another half a decade to build back the userbase that you will inevitably lose. Obviously you are not a particularly good businessman if things aren't running the way you want them to. You would be a lot more incumbent leaving the site with someone who will actually appreciate it and take care of it. Someone who knows the community and what we want, who understands coding and web design, and is capable of understanding and being receptive to feedback. Good luck making a sensible decision.  

04.12.2023 12:30:28
fish want to have a beer with me woman want to fix me
Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
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Posts: 285
04.12.2023 13:28:02
Miss Bimbo

Thank you for your thoughtful response

Hi! After you posted your last post about this issue, many users gave feedback on what you proposed. Some of the ideas you are suggesting here are ideas that users in general widely and broadly oppose, so I think it might be good for the site to consider some different potential options! Here are some points that are relevant in this case and in the interest of the democracy we are all working towards on this site. In service of that democratic goal, here are some thoughts:

- Only SMs are currently allowed to run for PB. This locks out many users who may want to run for PB. Additionally, many SMs do not want to run for PB as it has much higher energy, time, and financial requirements than the SM position, and a large portion of users, including SMs, also work jobs or go to school. If the position of PB were a position that paid more, perhaps equivalent to an employment position reflective of the hours PBs put in, many, many more users would be able to run and interested in doing so! This site has a large number of users who are interested in the community the political mechanism but are locked out by financial concerns. This is not a greedy move from players, as the userbase here really love this site, but instead just a practical one! The position does not pay enough for the time it requires, meaning people cannot afford to be in the position and also make rent and afford their bills. If that were changed, more people would run. Again, not a thing of greed but instead literal logistics of time.

I disagree with the time element here. We allow the Prime Bimbo freedom to run things as they wish. They can do as little or as much as they wish to do and they can make the job as hard or as easy as they wish to do. So it is not fair to say that anyone doesn't have enough time. If you have enough time to log in then you have enough to time to be PB.
Money wise it is relatively cheap to be a Senator and we want serious people to do the job so it makes sense to only have people  whom can afford some spare cash to do the main job here. 
I beleive you are making excuses as to why you/someone cant do a job instead of just taking responsibility and getting on with it.

- Many SMs do not run for PB because they are happy with the current leadership and do not want the stress of the position. That is a choice on those SMs parts given that the duties of the roles vary so widely. Additionally, SMs are not paid and in fact have to pay to even be in the position and give rewards, etc. The result of this is that the only people who are SMs are those who have the money to pay for the position, and even fewer of those can afford being PB (due to time and financial constraints in combination with real-world bills). That makes Ximboland an oligarchy, not a democracy. If you want a democracy, you need to change these conditions. Otherwise, only users with sufficient finances can run and you lose a lot of passionate talent. Currently, you don't even get all the potential PBs to the place of running because many of them simply cannot afford being SM.
No one is perfect and myself, our current leaders and you can do better. Where is the opposition? Show me one thread recently (last 3 terms)  where anyone is openly criticising the current government and saying they can do better?
I am not surprised to have received some messages and emails from Ximbos whom are happy I have spoken out because they feel marginalized and afraid to be themselves. Its silly that right leaning Ximbos are afraid to speak out and be themselves. 
Ximboland is a form of shared governance between myself (president) and you (the PB). We have  to work together and it is my job to point out when things are going wrong. I have sat quietly and observed how you elect in someone and then they have absolutely zero competition for the next 3 elections. This is not right. Its not democracy and we need to do something about it. Its my job to steep in and do things about things that are going wrong. 

- This site is used largely by people of various diverse groups and generally those on the political left. This is important to note. Even though you are interested in a broad range of political perspectives, that is not what exists on this site. If some hateful users are allowed to spew hate speech, be discriminatory, and spread harmful rhetoric, users will leave in droves. Obviously you as the site owner have the final say here, but in making the choice to orient towards "free speech" and allowing upsetting and discriminatory content to thrive, you would use many, many users from an active userbase that is already fairly small.
I agree - Ximboland is primarily used by left leaning Ximbos. That said we have a responsibility to our right leaning Ximbos to allow their voice to be heard. I have received emails and messages from Ximbos airing their dissatisfaction with not being allowed to voice their opinions for fear of being banned. That completely undermines the freedom of speech that we should all cherish. A community without freedom of speech is doomed. 

- Users are not interested in an Onlyfans / Patreon-style of engaging with others. Many users do not have an excess of real-world money to share. One way you might be able to get users to spend more real-world currency on Diamonds is by adding a bonus to their purchase that goes into a State reserve that SMs can draw from. Additionally, if given the option, many users would contribute diamonds on their own time and of their own free will to a reserve for their State in order to support the efforts of their SM. This would both encourage players to purchase premium currency while also helping to relieve some of the financial burden of being an SM, potentially leaving you with more possible candidates for all political positions.
This is a n interesting idea. Thanks. I like the idea of the State Ministers having some income. Would Ximbos donate money or diamonds to their state minister if this was an option ? That said I dont wish to undermine the PB too much either.

- By taking over the position of PB every third term (or when someone else doesn't run), you would actually be taking away the democratic process, which would be the dictatorship you describe. Users are happy with the current PB and that is why no one ran against her. There are also not very many active users on this site! If decisions were made that drew players in instead of pushing them away, it is likely that more citizens would naturally run for positions on their own as there would simply be more citizens in general. A numbers game is relevant here. Of the users on this site, there are currently only a small percentage who have the financial means and physical time to put into this position. It's not that no one else WANTS to run for SM or PB, it's that no one can.

I have said before - its my job to step in when our democracy is broken. If you cant see that its broken when every election goes unopposed then i am afraid you are willingly blind. Its clear that any genuine opposition is afraid or has been forced underground/been banned. Therefore I have to step in and fix it temporarily. Believe me - I want elections to be fair and without my interference but I am President and when I need to step in I will. Its my duty to you and the whole of Ximboland, So for a short while I propose that i step in and become Prime Bimbo thus empowering right leaning opposition  to feel confident  to come out from the woodwork. 

The reality is that the choices you are proposing here, if actually put into place, will make many, many users leave! Already, many users are upset about the money they have spent on the site if their contributions and ideas are not being considered. If you want this to be a democracy, it is really, really important to respect the opinions of the citizens! Again, the current system is an oligarchy, not a democracy! Those conditions must be changed if there is to be room for any legitimate democratic dialogue. I hope I'm reaching you here and that this comes across as clear and polite!
The current system is not working - we agree on that. So lets make changes

Thank you for taking the time to read this as we work together to build a more democratic state with the interests of all citizens in mind. 
Thank you for your intelligent and reasonable response

04.12.2023 13:28:02

Miss Bimbo
Level 35
Status: President
Sex Appeal: 34467
Reputation: 40221
Posts: 285
04.12.2023 13:53:58
Miss Bimbo

Melpomene wrote:
So the solution to fixing a problem with democracy is to... extort the sitting and future SMs into running or else the site is converted into a dictatorship?
Think you might be shooting yourself in the leg here, my guy.
If democracy is not watered, fed and nourished then its already a dictatorship. We already are living in a dictatorship. A dictatorship of the existing left leaning government with their own set ideas. Where is the democracy in that?

I don't know how much use answering you here will be, as answers from the previous thread were clearly not even considered. So, guess I'm writing this just to get the frustration out. Nevertheless, the questions you brough up have very simple answers:

Why are more people not running for SM?
Most people are here for fun and nothing else. The politics and community outreach are of interest to some, but not most. The only way to get more people running is to have more active people on the siteSo how is the government actively encouraging new users to join? Please ask them 

The SMs are expected to take on responsibility for their state's community. They have to dedicate their time, creativity, and real money to keep up with expectations. Not everyone's cup of teaAgreed. But it is some peoples cup of tea
The elections are NOT free to run in. They cost the price of a senatorship just to take part in. Yes but thats not a lot. Most adults can afford that. 

Being an SM is not free, If you win, the cost is the price of three more months of senatorship and any diamonds you might need for contests etc. If your planning to do anything worthwhile as an SM, that isIts not expensive 

Why are more people not running for PB?
The PB has even more responsibilities than an SM. It's practically a part-time job with the amount of maintenance, bot hunting, outreach to admins, and all the else the site needs. It requires a lot more commitment, time, and money than being an SM doesNot really. It can be as much or as little as you wish. This is an excuse. 
Only the sitting SMs are able to run. Individual decisions affect a lot when there's only six.not sure what your point is , 
Not every SM wants to be PB. If you want to influence the political community, it is quite enough to be an SM. You let down democracy if you just allow the same ideas and same leader to be voted in without challenging them. You are great at holding me to account - show me a thread where you have held the current government to account for their failings?
To switch PBs every four months makes for an unstable social environment. Wanting for the same PB to run a few in the row therefore feels right. They've already proven capable and trustworthy after allTo keep same government creates lethargy, boredom and lack of creativity. 
Running for PB when the current/previous PB is already doing an amazing job seems foolish. Changes for the sake of changes are not always good. Competing for the sake of it is stupid
Lazy thinking. Everyone can  be better including the current government. Let them win because they are great bit because you can't be bothered.  

So, How do you get more people to run for SM?
Increase the active userbase. Promote, advertise, improve the user experience. Easier said than done, but frankly, that is the only thing that'll increase the amount of people interested in community outreachSo what is teh government doing to increase active userbase? have you held them to account?
We (presidents office) are going to increase it by creating more creators. 
Make senatorship more appealing. People might not be willing to get a senatorship just for SMing - but someone who is already a senator might consider becoming an SM. The likelihood increases if there are more senators. How do you do this? Refer to your previous thread for some excellent suggestions

How do you get more people to run for PB?
Increase the amount of people who are able to run. KatieBoutique had an excellent idea about expanding the ability to run to past SMs on top of sitting SMsWill this work? Its worth exploring I agree. Do you think it should be just SM and past SM or should it be open to any and all senators?
Make the work of a PB less taxing. Listen to the troubles of the active PB. Create tools for their use. Find more people to help themWe are doing this but as I have explained - its not that taxing if they dont want it to be. In fact a PB could do zero if they wanted. We place no expectations whatsoever on hours and work etc yet we pay out on time every 3 months without fail. 

Stop actively antagonizing, extorting, and aggravating the current sitting SMs. You're not really making people want to work with you if you aren't listening to themWell get on and play your part in creating a better functioning democracy then - that way i can just sit back and watch it flourishing and dont have to get involved!
Thank you for your thoughtful response 

04.12.2023 13:53:58

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Forum.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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