Prime Ximbo:
Treasury (USD):

Ximboland Clock

how is everyone doing, really? vent to me baby.

Freia Dysiac
Selkie Queen
Level 47
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 81338
Reputation: 28146
Posts: 138
25.06.2023 20:21:07
Selkie Queen

Thank you Kandi ;w;

25.06.2023 20:21:07
。-ᆺ-。 <( Zzz)

Level 24
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 10667
Reputation: 7510
Posts: 118
02.07.2023 13:27:01

My condolences Selkie

02.07.2023 13:27:01

Crocheting Bimbo
Level 114
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 1177071
Reputation: 204187
Posts: 1791
07.07.2023 23:30:29
Crocheting Bimbo

So sorry Selkie Queen for your Family's loss.I wish I could get my LAZY ASS Son-in-law to get off his ass and clean up the mess his kids make in my house.

07.07.2023 23:30:29
I will always let the child in me come out to play.

Behind every good Man is a great Woman telling him how to do it.

Level 22
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 8181
Reputation: 5064
Posts: 241
14.07.2023 04:37:34

Was just perusing the forums and saw this, and I just need to get this out into the void:

For context, my town (and my dad) are on the conservative side and I'm very...  skittles, so to speak, so naturally I didn't say anything about it to anyone. I'm just minding my own damn business navigating my way through who I am being part of the skittles squad a overall just healing from the damaging religious trauma and SA from earlier years. My dad for our Christmas present wanted to get us all new phones (I had been paying for my own data and bought my phone with my own money, but hey, I wasn't gonna refuse) and by Christmas time, lo and behold, shiny new upgrade.

Where the story takes a turn, my dad had also planted a kind of content watcher on it, and was able to go through some of my texts that I had with my then bf, who I sadly never heard from since the incident. Basically, I was just told by my own father, the one who is supposed to love me yadda yadda... that what I'm doing is against god, it's an abomination (all the very typical stuff)

At least I never had to find the courage to leave the closet, because I was grabbed by the throat and burst through the doors. What's worse is that he dragged my sister into it and threatened to tell my mom and brother and I'm done. I can't move out rn and barely financially independent enough to consider a move. It's been ages since the incident, yet I still just can't stand to be in his presence for a long period of time and he acts like everything is back to normal, and I feel like he only sees me as the mask I wear to keep him comfortable. Sorry for the long rant but GOD DAMN IT I FUCKING HATE IT.
I hadn't the chance to properly scream it out or process it since, so apologies for taking your time, and thank you for reading.

I hope with the best of intentions and all the love in the world none of you or anyone else should ever experience anything similar

14.07.2023 04:37:34
L(O,0)一    )*.。)).*。)

*casts gay. Take 1d4 slay damage*
Level 28
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 18001
Reputation: 14895
Posts: 188
14.07.2023 11:29:28

It's been like almost a year since I logged in on here and I'm so happy to be back. It's always exam season when I decide to come back here and I just found out I failed all three of my July exams. I don't think I'll be able to secure a scholarship for next year because of this (unless I somehow manage to pass 8 exams in August) which means I'll have to give  up in my dream school and drop out. My parents have been paying my tuition this year, but they won't do that anymore and I don't think I'll be able to balance a minimum wage job which will barely cover the expenses and schoolwork. It's now or never I guess. I'm really scared.

14.07.2023 11:29:28
i hope you see at least one cat today <3
Level 57
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 147477
Reputation: 38574
Posts: 912
16.07.2023 07:20:09

I hope everyone’s doing relatively well now. Sorry for your loss Selkie Queen and good luck with the rest of your things b4bygirl and Chrocheting Bimbo… kids do be kids so :DDDD
anyway lesson of the week for me is:
Getting ill in general < being sick at home < being sick on vocation 
because now I’m drinking HOT tea left and right while it’s 35Celc outside and I’m loving it. Really. Why am I such a masochist. Oh well. More things to remember…  

16.07.2023 07:20:09
Vampire Fangs GIF - Vampire Fangs - Discover  Share GIFs
Level 16
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 2959
Reputation: 2107
Posts: 12
16.07.2023 19:11:13

I'm doing pretty good, I got my navel pierced the other day and I'm really excited. And I'm super sunburnt from tanning LOL. Also you have my condolences Selkie, I hope you're doing better <3

16.07.2023 19:11:13

Level 59
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 161549
Reputation: 11853
Posts: 106
21.07.2023 02:25:14

I am doing shit, especially today when my email booted me out of my old account on here, I am so immensely disappointed, now I'm poor again and have to start over again

21.07.2023 02:25:14

Level 77
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 362768
Reputation: 27778
Posts: 743
22.07.2023 07:23:31

im so sleepy and tired
school has me busy as shit. i really wish i had more time and energy to work and things and do stuff however i cant LOL fuckk:'))))

i dont even wanna get into honestly

22.07.2023 07:23:31
click the magic leaf -> 
Level 44
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 66171
Reputation: 33824
Posts: 1000
24.07.2023 06:17:12

I work a lot at the moment..

- and now even when I'm not working, I'm acting like a nerd playing missXimbo all day.

Take care 
 - and be safe everyone

24.07.2023 06:17:12

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Town Square.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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