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my opinion on transitioning

Xemocracy Arena
Cunning Linguist
Level 75
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04.04.2024 01:03:31
Cunning Linguist

Sw33t4sNvts F0REVER wrote:
XX and XY
your roleplay and cosplay cant change that

Sue me
bro you ever got your karyotype tested?(if you even know what that means) 

In the US we used to do it university biology classes as a fun little educational lab....then we stopped, because some women were turning up XY & some men were turning up XX, & it was devastating to these people because it threw their whole gender into question. sometimes its not that simple

besides - science can change your genitals, your hormone makeup, & your secondary sex characteristics to the point that no rando would guess your birth sex. so who tf cares about some dumb X you cant even see, amirite fellas

04.04.2024 01:03:31

Level 60
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04.04.2024 01:06:04

Theodora Dee wrote:
except there are no men in the bathroom! because trans women are women, no matter how much they pass! and they aren't guests in our spaces. they belong here as much as we do.
The way this retarded expression lost you so many supporters is hilarious. You couldn't have just left it at fighting for people who suffer with gender dysphoria to be allowed to transition and live as the opposite sex. No, fat freaks like you unironically try to force people into pretending that trans women are the same as actual women and trans men are the same as actual men. Combine that with xenogenders, neo-pronouns, nonbinarisms, men not even having to medically transition to enter women's spaces, straight females calling themselves gay men and straight males calling themselves lesbian, people with no dysphoria being transgenders, children medically transitioning and constant harassment of anyone who speaks out and you get an explanation of why no one can stand transgenderism. Take care xx

04.04.2024 01:06:04
“Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.” -Amber Heard
Bimbo Pimp
Level 61
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04.04.2024 01:57:11
Bimbo Pimp

Iowa wrote:
this is word for word what people used to say (and what some people still say) about gays and lesbians

anywho, historical examples of trans people commonly incorporate transcending the gender binary or definitions of man and woman, which is part of the reason why in a handful of pre-colonial cultures trans and gender variant people were seen as more spiritually connected or enlightened. people are mad because trans activism has begun to shift away from assimilation and groveling at the feet of cis people for scraps and towards actually meeting our needs and improving the material conditions for trans people. this includes access to spaces where we won’t be assaulted. this includes access to healthcare if and when we need it, including during adolescence. this includes our language being on our terms, not anyone else’s, and not based on what is palatable. these are the same demands made by militant gay activists. in fact, a zine published by the gay liberation front included demands for, among other things, “the right to free physiological change and modification of sex on demand.” in 1970.

Did I understand this right?  You are saying that we, the majority of humanity need to submit to a very small minority. Your safety from men assaulting transwomen prioritized above women feeling safe in our spaces. For our languages to be butchered and dismantled just for some people to feel validated? My native language is beautiful and gendered, not happening.

Where is the proof that people say that gays and lesbians are violating women’s rights? When have gay men forced themselves into girl bathrooms, women sports, gyms. Gays do not want to dismantle language and the core of society.  Life is not fair and we don’t get to have everything we want.  

Good news, I’ve never made it my goal to conform to gender stereotypes, I’ve done what I felt like doing.  In high school I joined the weightlifting team, the only woman on the team. When I was 21, I worked as a welder, only 2 other women welders in the entire facility. Is that not conforming to norms?  I guess I’ve been doing the gender transcending for a while, yay me? :) I also did it without demanding men to move over or demand they treat me as a precious flower who is above them. The spiritual transcending was opium induced but that’s a tale for another time, love. Being so headstrong in calling people “cis” even when it has been stated that they don’t like it, shows disrespect. Respect is something you earn; it is not a right.  Trans activism is affecting the trans acceptance, if you haven’t realized it yet; most of us are not transgendered.  

04.04.2024 01:57:11

Cunning Linguist
Level 75
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04.04.2024 02:12:53
Cunning Linguist

girl 'cis' is a neutral descriptor, same as 'trans' is. Do you think 'straight' is an insult too?

04.04.2024 02:12:53

Bimbo Pimp
Level 61
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04.04.2024 02:16:25
Bimbo Pimp

Cunning Linguist wrote:
Sw33t4sNvts F0REVER wrote:
XX and XY
your roleplay and cosplay cant change that

Sue me
bro you ever got your karyotype tested?(if you even know what that means) 

In the US we used to do it university biology classes as a fun little educational lab....then we stopped, because some women were turning up XY & some men were turning up XX, & it was devastating to these people because it threw their whole gender into question. sometimes its not that simple

besides - science can change your genitals, your hormone makeup, & your secondary sex characteristics to the point that no rando would guess your birth sex. so who tf cares about some dumb X you cant even see, amirite fellas
I really hope you are trolling because this was pretty funny. ^.^

Ahem a Karyotype is used to test for unusual changes in chromosomes. For problems like genetic disorders, for infertility issues, blood disorders etc…Did people in your class have an extra chromosome to believe this? cause omg that’s crazy funny! XD

No need for "cis" sistah! ;) You are either trans or not. Shocker ain't it? :3

04.04.2024 02:16:25

Cunning Linguist
Level 75
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04.04.2024 02:24:30
Cunning Linguist

Look it up if you want - chromosome abnormalities that don't present phenotypically are much more common that you'd think.
(^links to studies, but its also pretty easy to google for yourself)

I know its much easier to be closed minded, & refuse to believe that what you learned in 6th grade biology might not be the whole truth. Genetics & hormones are much more complicated than people think. Personally i dont think thats scary, I think its cool

Also like....youre either blonde or you're not. Youre either white or youre not. Youre either straight or youre not. But we still have adjectives for the other things too.

04.04.2024 02:24:30

Level 70
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04.04.2024 02:48:56

"woke trans activists have gotten too demanding and it's holding back trans acceptance. respect is earned, it is not a right"
(the ottawa journal, 1979)
(the signal, california, 1999)
(the tennessean, 1989)
"trans women are invading women's spaces and allowing them into women's facilities creates opportunities for open harassment"
(carrizozo lincoln county news, 1985)
(the ottawa citizen, 2002)
"i have a right to not have to deal with the discomfort of having a trans woman in women's facilities"
(chicago tribune, 1990)
(the daily utah chronicle, 1998)
(source unknown)
"trans people want to dismantle language and the core of society"
(source unknown)

(baxter bulletin, arkansas, 1999)

i don't think i need to put examples of the whole "indoctrinating the young" thing, you can just google anita bryant if you're really unaware.

04.04.2024 02:48:56
✖ he/him pronouns ✖ chris/sweetasnuts doesnt care about this game
Level 26
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04.04.2024 02:57:18

Bimbo Pimp wrote:

Cybeles-  ah so neurological abnormality such as down syndrome would apply? I’ve worked many years for the enrichment of cerebral palsy individuals and didn’t see the indication of a fully developed frontal lobe functions. Perhaps I wasn’t looking hard enough? I’d like for the government to affirm my gender by paying for me to get smaller boobies, these babies can get in the way at the gym ya know.  :P It’s a joke please don’t block me on here. D:  Kudos to those that can have a different opinion and not resort to completely alienating themselves and others.

 If I am to believe that men who are using the trans acceptance to harm woman are all transphobes, does that mean that no trans is capable of being predatory? Isn’t that being very gullible and unrealistic? If a male-presenting man walks into a woman’s restrooms no one will defend him if the women berate him out. If a male puts on lipstick and a skirt while still rocking a beard walk in and is told to get out many in the trans community will come to defend him and call the women transphobes. Are trans rights and their feelings above women’s rights and our feelings? When did we become second class citizens in our own womanhood? Again, if what I say makes me a transphobe, then your support for men violating women’s rights make you a misogynist.

My point was that age should not be the point to determine whether a trans person can or can't access gender-affirming healthcare when there are so many factors in developing maturity. As a trans person who has gone through the public healthcare system, I spent over a year and a half with a gender clinician before even starting the process for HRT. A breast reduction surgery might not fall under gender affirming care, but a boob job on a cis woman who feels unfeminine because of her smaller cup size would be. The same way that older cis men get topical serums to prevent balding.

If an AFAB woman who has facial hair walks into the womans restroom, should she also face harassment and abuse? Of course trans people can be bad people. But they are not bad people BECAUSE they are trans. Every transfeminine person I've ever met has never even entered a space for women without first being invited there. Why? Because they don't want to face the real abuse happening in gender-specific bathrooms. Harassment from transphobes.

Trans women just want to be respected human beings. If standing up for the rights of some of the most marginalized people in the world makes me a misogynist, maybe you should consider why your definition of misogyny includes not discriminating another group of people in it.

04.04.2024 02:57:18
Vote for 'Someone Else' here!
he/him - capricorn - 19 - do not support a Ximboland with a Dictator!!
pro-palestine - pro-choice - pro-trans - propagandist
Sw33t4sNvts F0REVER
Level 32
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04.04.2024 03:03:20
Sw33t4sNvts F0REVER

Do we really need words such as cis and afab?

04.04.2024 03:03:20
I am former SweetasNuts FOREVER.
Do not get confused and mistake me for original SweetasNuts AND THEN subsequently claim to be morally outraged by impersonation and roleplay. Then we should be very suspicious of your opinion and motivations.

Level 70
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04.04.2024 03:07:35

chemistry has gone woke

04.04.2024 03:07:35
✖ he/him pronouns ✖ chris/sweetasnuts doesnt care about this game

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