Quite a few issues and large questions here: 2a. “The Prime Ximbos Should always be someone whom works for us and you…” You state that the Prime Ximbo will not be paid in point 2d. So, really, the Prime Ximbo works for no one. It seems that...
You state that the Prime Ximbo will not be paid in point 2d. So, really, the Prime Ximbo works for no one. It seems that in this restructuring, the PX would be a figurehead and nothing more and if they are expected to still do things, then they’re being stiffed. I parrot Pollyx's earlier points about how duties will be divvied up.
No the Prime Ximbo will from now on always work for me/Ximboland corporation. It either will be me or it will be someone elected by you but who works for us in the corporation.2b. “On August 1st you will vote for and decide the Ministers [excluding Minister of Justice].”
How will this work? Will it be single day, single page voting like PX and State Minister voting? Will it be a poll? How will campaigning look? Do senators still get 10x votes and if so, what’s stopping someone from blowing some cash and getting themselves elected into all 3 positions? Known site whales, such as KatieBoutique (aka Slayyyocrates, CarCrashBimbo, XOD of Bimboland, Slayto, The Gifter, and probably more that he's made in the time it takes me to write this post) blow hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on this site as evident by their large diamond gift amounts. So, come election time, what is stopping him from putting up an account for all three positions and electing himself into each?
Yes electing like PX elections now - in a single day. Senators get 10x votes and citixens get 1 x vote
Additionally, the MoJ will just be you. Tash, your alt account, is who you put in the position last time, so why not be transparent about this?
No you didnt understand this. I will choose the Minister of Justice. Next term i will choose someone who supports free speech.The term after that I will choose someone who is more 'rules based' and so on and so forth. I will remain neutral.
2c. “I will give this power and appoint Ximbos from the opposite ends of the censorship spectrum for alternate terms/elections.”
I highly doubt this. What is more likely is you’ll elect people you think fall on either end and since your knowledge of the player base and the game itself are quite limited, you’ll end up shooting the site in the foot.
Its only 3 months. I will do my best to choose suitabel candidates but even if you disagree you only have to wait 3 months and the next Justice minister will be arrive.Additionally, this seems like it would be very difficult for the player base. This is just inconsistent moderation codified into law, making it confusing for the average player on what the rules actually are.
The rules are twitter rules. very clear. The interpretation of those rules will be done by the Justice Minister.Closing question. “Are we on the right path to uniting Ximboland and creating the best community on the internet bar none?”
Short answer: no. Long answer: no, because of you making changes like these.
I am sorry you feel this way