[continued from previous post and page. (PM edit)]
HeavenLeighBimbo wrote:
Thanks Kathy. Actually using a dictionary is very impressive. You described my writing style perfectly !!! 5 Stars and cheer's.
It is a complicated situation, but everyone I talk to thinks of it as money, not honor. They think I'm crazy. They do not see me as a soon to be senior citizen. I'm already a pensioner but to them they see me as an ambitious money hungry collage student paying off student loan's. My very own appearance is causing this corporate mentality to blackmail me into working a more difficult job for no raise in pay.
They don't know that I used to be the chief operating officer, and stepped down so I could semi-retire anonymously. ( To be unknown and hidden from attention.)
New people at the top of the ladder noticed me being a little fish doing BIG THINGS and still see me as a foolish enough girl, to do a job that I know should be paid 10X's what they are offering me. The workplace has become a bidding war for promotion's. How low will you go? Is the question, for this rank.
Rome tried doing that, and that empire soon collapsed, as everyone went broke with unskilled labor in the workforce and no production.
It is awesome to see the job you have done for 27 year's from the perspective of a gold fish.
Food for someone else to consume.
I really am so sorry for the next generation.
You better be a lucky one with a great talent to sell, because otherwise your just a number and a bank account on a computer with a balance of zed 0 , Nothing.
Half of America is already there. What is the tipping point?
Hows Greece doing these day's ? Haha
America stands right in line along the same path as Greece, but let's add in the riot in the cities and terrorist attacks, and a flood of illegals from all nations and everyone shall soon see what it does to the world. I hopefully will not see the day, but it is possible . For me I'm the goldfish. what is going on outside really doesn't affect the wealthy. Indeed.
American is not going to collapse. He who owns the food supply owns the world. Be more worried about the free college education. It is already set in stone that those with a college level education are tier 3 on the disability/retirement scale and will never be able to collect disability if needed and they will never be allowed to stop working. 74 is on the horizon. Disability and retirement are things of the past. Ever hear of Obama Care? The republicans will never repeal that and don't want to. All legal options to do so have been exhausted and the legal time limit to do it in have expired. I keep telling you to read the handbooks, mission statements and bi-laws. They are in black and white and easily found on the web. Speaking of which, did you know our government wants it's people to be restricted from accessing the web so they can continue to use it for their business such as putting their handbooks, mission states and bi-laws online for the employees to use and keep us from accessing that info? Did you know internet lifeline, one of those poor people handouts, has already been terminated for that reason? And just to make sure the blacks and poor people will never stand a chance against those raised in the ivory towers, the Head Start program is about to be axed too. It is under utilized now that was have public pre-preschool acting as day care for all of those people work 60 to 72 hours a week.